Thursday, October 31, 2019
Quantitative demand Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2250 words
Quantitative demand - Research Paper Example If the price of cigarettes increases, not only will the quantity of the cigarettes fall but simultaneously it may also affect other commodities. The aspect of income elasticity will also be incorporated here, which will show us whether income and demand for cigarettes move together or not. Lately the world economy has been more concerned about the harmful effects of smoking. Though, from time immemorial, people are trying to resort to drugs or other narcotics, this gives them a tranquilizing effect in their minds. One of the most common intoxicants is a cigarette, which serves as the escape route from their harsh realities of life. In the recent times, smoking has taken the shape of an epidemic, which is affecting not only people’s minds but also their lives. Many steps have been taken, such as campaigns showing how smoking is injurious to heath or health programs to restrict the usage of cigarettes per day. In spite of this, people are reckless to quit smoking, as they find no perfect substitutes of it. In regard to this the governments of all the countries are starting a new tax regime especially US government. This consists of an increase in the price level of cigarettes by the imposition of proportional tax or a lump sum tax. By proportional tax structure, a particular rate of tax is imposed on price of cigarettes. In respect to the US governments the tax structure usually takes the form of excise or sales tax. Here, a fixed rate of cents is imposed on the price of cigarettes. Let the tax rate‘t’ be imposed on the price of cigarettes, ‘p’, the new price is now ‘p (1+t)’. According to the law of demand, the price and demand of a normal good are negatively related. Here, cigarette is a normal good since with the fall in price, smoking becomes more attractive and popular among the individuals. The following diagram shows the
Tuesday, October 29, 2019
Customer Service Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words - 1
Customer Service - Research Paper Example For government agencies, it gets more complex as the customers are the public. Government agencies are now required to account for and minimize expenditure and upgrade services delivered to the citizens. Managements of these agencies are often turning to human resource training and technology to deliver services fast and competently to achieve satisfactions for all queries, complaints or inquiries. Customers have been accustomed to attention from the private sector, and they now want the same from their government agencies. Government agencies have adopted standards of measuring citizens’ satisfaction in responding to their needs through electronic or manual reviews (Newby and McManus, 2002, pg 13). NTPFES is the Northern Territory Police, Fire and Emergency Services, a government agency providing policing, fire and rescue, and emergency services response across the Northern Territory of Australia (NTPFES, 2010, pg10). Such is an example of an organization that has embodied customer service to improve service delivery to customers. Customer Service in g overnment agencies exists to bridge the gap between governments’ service delivery and their citizens’ satisfaction. There has been a shift in the management systems from an emphasis on product quality to Total Quality Management for customer satisfaction. This change focuses on continual improvement of organization’s output. Quality of outputs in this case very much includes all products and services and the processes that are involved in the production of the products or services. The shift is intended for the sole purpose of meeting, if not surpassing customer expectations. Customer service provision requires the co-operation of all levels of management within the organization. Achievement of excellent customer service is guided by tools and principles. The tools are the so-called ‘hard’ aspects of customer service. They include the
Sunday, October 27, 2019
Analysis of Orthopeadic Theatre Time Utilization
Analysis of Orthopeadic Theatre Time Utilization ANALYSIS OF ORTHOPEADIC THEATRE TIME UTILIZATION AT KENYATTA NATIONAL HOSPITAL Trauma is the leading causes of admission in Kenyatta National Hospital and often these patients require surgery. The trauma burden unpredictability usually mismatches demand and supply of the hospital thus posing challenge for systems improvement and streamlining. Utilization is defined as the ratio of time that an asset is used, against its capacity. For uniformity among the OR team, it is extremely important to developing a precise definition of turnaround time. For the purpose of this paper, turnaround time is defined as the time between incision close of patient n and incision open of patient n+1. This definition captures the surgeon’s, anaesthetist and nurse perspective of turnaround time and allows us to see the delay between the most expensive value-added times in the theatre. Previous study from KNH reported high rate of cancellation of elective list on the day of surgeries (20.6%)1. One of the causes attributed to these delays was inefficient utilization of OR time, mainly due to delay in starting time and long turnaround time within the OR. It was noted that 70.9% of non clinical cancellation was due to list overrun/lack of time. It was also the leading cause of cancellation in KNH at (43.8%). Three specialty were identified to have recorded the highest cancellation rate were Cardiothoracic surgeries 38%, Neurosurgeries 37.8% and Orthopedic surgeries 32.6%1. Cancellation generally increases waiting list and the risk of further cancellation, which may cause patient dissatisfaction and compromise patient’s safety2. Poor scheduling of operations can result in cancellation of operation which is costly to both the patient and the hospital3. With the escalating cost of healthcare, quality of care fails to meet expectation of our patients and therefore, the health care organization should look on strategies to improve quality while reducing cost of running hospitals. The efficiency of operating room can be measured in variety of ways4. Efficiency is defined in term of ability to translate available time into earning5–8. Computer simulation and mathematical models, both of which essentially idealizations that the practical capacity for OR to be between 80-90%9. Justification Theatre complex is a high cost department with the hospital and therefore considerable resources are wasted if operating room if not used effectively. Improving the performance of operating room is key to achieving shorter waiting time for surgery, reducing cancellation for operations and more so achieving the implementation of booking of elective surgery in our hospital. Increased utilization of operating room improves patients flow and reduces the waiting list time. Improving theatre utilization would lead to a reduction in cost recovery from each patients10. 4 in their study in South African concluded that private operation theatre utilization rates were higher than public operation theatres due to commercial nature of private healthcare and absent consequent cost drivers in public health sector10. Utilization rate in South Africa was found to be 48% which was significantly lower than the globally bench mark of between 70-80%4. 11 concluded that the delay in starting list, under s chedule, interruption due to emergency surgeries, administrative reasons, induction of anesthesia and recovery police are the main factor that account for inefficient use of operating room facilities in India hospitals Operating room utilization rate is usually an indicator used in measuring efficiency in use of hospital resources. It is argued that high utilization is cost effective and improves quality of care10,12–15. Brief Description of KNH Main Theatre KNH Main theatre is located in the first floor of the tower block adjacent to Critical Care Unit (CCU), Renal and Burns Unit. It has twelve operating rooms out of which two are allocated to Prime Care Center; one is dedicated for emergency surgeries 24 hours a day. The remaining nine are allocated to different specialty in a week. The specialties are General surgery, Urology surgery, Maxillofacial surgery, ENT surgery, Pediatrics surgery, Plastic surgery, Ophthalmology surgery, Orthopedic surgery, Cardiothoracic surgery, Neurosurgical and Obstetrics and Gynecology surgery. Within the OR the following equipments are found, Operating table in the center of the room, Operating lights directly over the table to provide bright light during surgery, Anaesthesia machine is at the head of the operating table equipped with Electronic monitor machine which records the heart rate and respiratory rate by adhesive patches called chest leads placed on patient’s chest, it has also the Pulse oximeter which is attached to the patient’s finger with an elastic band aid. Pulse oximeter measures the amount of oxygen contained in the blood, an automated blood pressure measuring machine that automatically inflates the blood pressure cuff on patient’s arm continuously recording blood pressure, there is the diathermy machine which uses high frequency electrical signals to cauterize blood vessels and cut through tissue with a minimal amount of bleeding. Other specialized machines may be brought in depending on the nature of surgery. In a week there are 45 theatre space slot allocated to different specialty, out of which orthopedic surgeries have 12 slots and the remaining 33 slot are allocated among the remaining 10 specialty. The orthopedic department is located on the sixth floor of the tower block and has four wards namely 6A, 6B, 6C and 6D. Ward 6B serves as a joint admission for all pediatric cases from 6A, 6C and 6D. Each ward has four days in a week to do the elective surgeries. Theatre procedure Each ward is expected to submit its operation list to main theatre reception before 15:00 hours on the day before its as signed operation day. In the evening before the surgery, anaesthetists visit the wards to do a pre-anesthetic assessment on patients who had been scheduled for surgery. They are expected to re-assure these patients, assess their fitness for surgery, and also confirm the necessary investigation are done which they document in the pre-anesthetic check list. On the day of surgery porters are sent to the ward to bring the patients who are then received by a designated theatre nurse at the receiving area, the Receiving Area nurse check to confirm the identity of the patient, see that consent for the surgery had been given and all necessary investigation have been done. Thereafter, the patient is wheeled to waiting bay where he/she is kept on-hold until the theatre room is ready. All other procedures like intravenous access and induction of anaesthesia are done in theatre. After surgery, the patient is taken to Post Anesthesia Care Unit (PACU) while the oper ating room is cleaned in preparation for the next patient. Economic considerations also suggest that it is desirable to keep operat ing rooms fully used. Thus, it is imperative that areas of time wastage in the theatre time flow be recognized and their causes identified. This will assist theatre managers take necessary steps to correct the problem14. Objective To identify areas of, and causes of operating room time delay, and suggest solution based on the identified deficiencies. Operating theatre represents an area of considerable expenditure in a hospital budget. Consequently, hospital administrators are so concerned with maximizing utilization of OR. This can only be made possible by knowing how much time is spent on which activity and there by identify the factors resulting in under utilization of OR16. Staffing KNH theatre complex is being managed by Assistant Chief Nurse (ACN) with the help of Administrative Officer. The two are answerable to the Head of Department (HOD) Theatre, TSSU and CSSD. The staff within each OR includes Surgeons, Anesthetist, 1- circulating nurse , 1- scrub nurse and 1- theatre sterile assistant (TSA). The general theatre activities are overseen by a Theatre Users Committee (TUC), with HOD as the chairperson. Other members are from Nursing, Surgery, Anaesthesia, Administration and Technical departments. Data Collection I will survey the timing of events in the Orthopedic OR using their elective operating lists available from Monday to Friday at theatre front office desk for a period of one month. I will use a designed proforma based on established oper ating theatre process steps to record the following; Patient sent-for (PS): Time when porter leave R/A to the ward for the patient Patient available (PA): Time the patient arrives at theatre R/A Patient in room (PIR): time when patient enters OR Anesthesia/Induction start time (AIT): time induction of anesthesia starts Surgery start time (ST): time cleaning of surgical area Surgery finish (SF): time dressing is put on the incision site Patient out OR (POR): Time at which patient leaves the OR From the above times, I will derive the following: Ward to theatre transfer interval: the interval between PS and PA (b-a). This interval is prolonged when it is greater than 20 minutes. R/A waiting time: It is the interval be tween patient available (PA) and when patient is transferred to OR (c-b). It is prolonged if it is greater than 10 minutes. Pre-anesthetic waiting time: the difference between patient’s in room (PIR) and anesthesia/induction start time (AIT) (d-c). It is prolonged when it is greater than 20 minutes. Anaesthesia admission time (AAT): the interval between AIT and ST (e-d) and it is prolonged when it is greater than 20 minutes. Surgery duration: the interval between ST and SF (f-e). Anesthesia reversal time (ART): the interval between SF and POR (g-f) Turnaround time (TAT): the interval between incision close of patient n and incision open of patient n+1. There will be a one week pilot study to set the cut-off point for the intervals between normal and delayed time. This will be based on the mean time observed in the pilot study and for convenience it will be rounded-up to the nearest number divisible by five. In case of delay outside theatre the officer involved will be interviewed to determine the cause of the delay. However, delays that occures in the theatre will be observed directly by the research assistant filling the proforma. The data was entered into SPSS 11.5 which was used to calculate the time intervals and for statistical analysis Efficiency means the management of theatre time, costs resources and staff to undertake as many procedures as possible within given levels of resources, or doing the same number of procedures using a lesser amount of resources .
Friday, October 25, 2019
Pat Lyon At The Forge Essay -- John Neagle Artist Painter
Pat Lyon at The Forge John Neagle painted the portrait "Pat Lyon at the Forge" between 1826 and 1827. Just 50 years after the beginning of the American Revolution, this painting shows how much America had evolved. Neagle's portrait is a powerful "celebration of productive labor" (p 281) and the, "entrepreneurial and commercial energies that 'transformed' the country" (p 8). It conveys the notion of 'republican equality' (p 241) that Wood discusses and how was important it was to the leaders of the Revolution. While portraits had earlier been an 'exclusive luxury of the aristocracy' (p 354), Neagle's portrait is a break from that tradition. The painting depicts a blacksmith working in his forge with a young boy, possibly an apprentice, looking on behind him. Pay Lyon looks nothing like an aristocrat. He is a laborer, hard at work with his shirt unbuttoned and sleeves rolled up. In traditional European society, gentlemen didn?t work, only common people did. ?The liberality for which gentlemen were known connoted freedom ? freedom from material want?and freedom from having ...
Thursday, October 24, 2019
The Relationship Between Punk and Dada
THE RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN DADA AND PUNK It is difficult to estimate when people began to create different theories, movements and ideologies with regards to what is positive and negative in the world that we live in. A part and parcel of human nature has always been an individual desire to be a part of the perfect world which unfortunately is mainly stimulated by individuals in power. Therefore this bore a disagreement and critique among minorities and has been exploding over the centuries in different forms of cultural movements. One of the greatest cultural trends began in Zurich and it is known as Dadaism.During World War I a group of individuals created Dada in reaction to what they perceived to be negative and opposite of the values that they believed in. They showed their protest against nationalist, colonialist interest and bourgeois in various forms of controversial art. The new style definitely found its followers in suffocated by war society and even etched in history. Never theless, 1970s showed us that Dadaism was not forgotten as it inspired a new generation of people to express their feelings with regards to what is against their vision of perfection.This created a new cultural movement known as ‘Punk’ which is characterised by a critique to a political system and society that was framed in a specific pattern. This essay is an effort to present relations between ‘Dada’ and ‘Punk’ by analysing and comparing various art forms of ideology they believed in. Therefore the part of this work is focused on the backgrounds and origins of both movements it order to explain motives and ideas of their existence.Moreover, it will show very important relationship which strongly connects both trends in a form of spiritual protest by using and comparing artworks from both epochs; Hannah Hoch’s ‘’Cut with the Kitchen Knife through the Last Weimar Beer-Belly Cultural Epoch in Germany’’1919 compa red to ‘’The Beatles-Sgt. Pepper’s Lonely Hearts Club Band’’1968, by Peter Blake and Jann Haworth. Also, the controversial CD cover created by Jamie Reid’s ‘’God Save the Queen’’ 1977 compared to ‘’The Art Critic’’ 1919 by Raoul Hausemann. The analysis of both comparisons will be a detailed explanation of those matters.First of all, Dada was not just a series of art-historical related events which took place between 1916 and 1923. Dada definitely was an emotional, social and political reaction created against the horror of World War I. With the collapse of pre 1914 social values the Dadaists acted in response with a strong ‘weapon’ as it involved a disagreement, defiance with ironic, anarchistic and frequently nihilistic gestures. However, they also evolved attitudes and techniques that have become a priority to our artistic sensibility.The discovery of automatism in the arts, the use of random elements, and the new definition of art which is not limited by any specific content or material is a great concept introduced by the Dadaists. Moreover, the art is situational as there is a result of confrontation between spectator and object which is frequently associated with controversy and chaos. Therefore it can be said that Dada as a novelty bore a historical responsibility for correcting the world problems for all time and a movement to an honourable place in the history of unrealised humanistic visions.From the aesthetic point of view Punk has its origins in Dadaism. However, this was a cultural mutiny which was mainly associated with a verbal protest through the music. This involved strong offensive expression of disagreement with the whole system and alienation. Nevertheless apart from a very controversial song lyrics Punk rock created different trends than others and innovated a new style in art known as ‘Punk visual art’. This new movemen t did not involve ordinary and predictable paintings.It is known as intentional infringement, such as the application of letters cut out from magazines and newspapers and the use of black and white in early Punk rock art work. The reason for that was the cost of productions punk zins in colour, however, in more expensive production there was a use of yellow and fluorescent pink contrasted with black. The message that Dada and Punk tried to achieve through their work in the context of desired reality is very similar as both of them bore from a social outburst.Punk was a form of artistic anarchy against system control and specific pattern of society, whereas Dada was an ‘Anti-War movement’. However, very interesting is the fact that they were relatively unrelated and occurred around 50 years apart. Although the vocalist of a very controversial punk rock band â€Å"Sex Pistols†, Johnny Rotten said he had never heard about ‘Dada’ there can be found the s ame themes of inspirations as in Dadaism. Therefore assuming that the group ‘Sex Pistols’ did not model on Dadaism and any other movements or trends, this might be associated with a human nature. The nature, that does not like o be manipulated, controlled or skipped as a microscopic minority. Fig. 1: ‘The Fountain’ 1917, Marcel Duchamp According to Griel Marcus, the author of ‘Lipstick Traces’ book, both movements are completely nihilistic and propagating belief in nothing and the wish to become nothing. Punk was against everything and at the same time finding its equilibrium in nihilism. This was clearly exposed by ‘Sex Pistols’ in song ‘Pretty Vacant’ which involves the Dada cry of â€Å"nothing is true; everything is permitted†. Moreover, freedom and fighting against the stereotypical art were the keys in Dada and Punk.Dadaists often asked ‘What is art’ and in response to their rules breaking use d anything they could think of for inspiration. Marcel Duchamp is a great example in this point, because his ironic piece ‘The Fountain’ 1917(Fig. 1) which he signed ‘R. Mutt’, was a controversial and provocative way of using a urinal in response to that question. Duchamp’s work not only showed groundbreaking, but it opened people’s eyes that art is not only classic and traditional. It is an awareness of what art is and could be. Dadaism influenced Punk in reflection to their absurdity.Punk artists designed cd covers that reflected the idea of breaking the traditional rules by being experimental with images and text to express political and social views. Photomontage was highly used by both, Dada and Punk. However, it was first used by a German group called ‘Dada’, and later became an inspiration for Punk artists. This involved the practice of cutting and pasting technique for their designs, using materials taken from cardboard, n ewspapers, magazines, rubbish and anything else that could be inspirational to create a collage. Fig. 3: ’The Beatles-Sgt. Pepper’s Lonely Hearts Club Band’’1968, Peter Blake and Jann Haworth Fig. : ‘’Cut with the Kitchen Knife through the Last Weimar Beer-Belly Cultural Epoch in Germany’’1919, Hannah Hoch The most famous work done by Hannah Hoch is ‘’Cut with the Kitchen Knife through the Last Weimar Beer-Belly Cultural Epoch in Germany’’1919 (Fig. 2). It shows a mixture of modernism by including a lot of machinery and high-tech items of the Weimar period which engage with a modern world. These items were the pasted photographic images called from the press and taken from printed and product catalogues, magazines, newspapers and journals which she clipped together preading across the page to form this artwork. In this chaotic artwork, Hoch also shows the figures of women, as she was strongly towards f ighting for their rights. A new role of women was a message in this design thus metaphorical kitchen knife in her title referred to stereotypical pattern of both; women in the society and to her own artistic process. Because of uniqueness of this artwork the later artists continued controversial reforms in design and we witnessed a creation of ‘’The Beatles-Sgt. Pepper’s Lonely Hearts Club Band’’ by Peter Blake and Jann Haworth made in 1968 (Fig3. . Originally it was for the cd cover purposes however it was frequently associated with Dada design as it involved a group of people that the members of the band would like to see as their imaginary audience. This shows that there is a reference to the amount of components that Hoch’s used in her design and controversy which also characterised the Beatle’s cover, as Jesus and Hitler were intended to appear in John Lennon’s vision. Another great example of Dadaism in Punk was created by Jamie Reid’s ‘’God Save the Queen’’ 1977 (Fig. 4), the cd cover for Sex Pistols shocked the nation.In the result, this controversial, shocking design together with the lyrics led the BBC and the Independent Broadcasting Authority to not play the song. Reid has offended the image of the Queen Elizabeth II by playing with her portrait and national anthem during Queen Elizabeth II’s Silver Jubilee in 1977. This censorship did not stop Great Britain from listening to it and made the song to be number one of playlist. In addition, ‘’God Save the Queen’’ played a massive role in a punk rock movement. Reid’s work can be compared to ‘’The Art Critic’’ 1919 by Raoul Hausemann (Fig. ) because of the similarities that can be seen in their designs. They both depict defaced images in the highness of the Queen and the oversized figure with oversized head which is often said to be Housemannâ€⠄¢s friend George Grosz. There is a use of reachable resources which are sliding strong, wild and free personal messages. The irony behind this collage shows the character holding outsized Venus pencil, a shoe glued to his forehead and a German banknote situated near his neck. On the right hand site Fig. 4: ‘’God Save the Queen’’ 1977, Jamie Reid we can see his business card –showing his silhouette filled with a newspaper print.In addition, the background contains Raul’s poem which was randomly chosen informing public performances. Those components show self references as many Dada artists included in their photomontages and the use of materials surrounding them. ‘’The Art Critic’’ is also a provocative and controversial design as the eyes and mouth are full of irony because we don’t know whose are the eyes he sees or whose words he speaks. Knowing that Dada worked before Punk, it can be seen that type and im age juxtapositions influenced Reid to follow this direction.Rick Poynor in his ‘‘No More Rules Graphic Design and Postmodernism’’ book describes Reid’s design by Fig. 5: ‘’The Art Critic’’1919, Raol Hausemann saying that rough, torn stripes across Queen’s face and mouth form voids by a cut-up lettering to show the title and the band name on a cover which he called ‘’archetype of a punk rock band’’. In addition, those are also examples of a Dada photomontage and a Punk photomontage which both used words and images to express verbal and visual meanings. In conclusion, the aim of this essay was to prove the relationship between Dada and Punk through various forms of artwork.They both were fighting against either the War or the rules of the system. In addition, Dada and Punk were characterised by similar ideology which was very controversial in terms of stereotypical vision of art. The violatio n of traditional rules and twisting the popular image of art had an impact on future subcultures, in this case Punk. Also, the creation of photomontage technique is shown through the comparisons of work from Dada period and then in Punk, which was born further in the 20th century. They were the evidence of controversy and provocation addressed by personal messages behind them.Although, there is 50 years of difference in between the movements, it is fair to say that both of them greatly affected our culture and inspired the future generations. References: Raoul Hausmann,The Art Critic. 2010. [online]. Last accessed 20 May 2012 at: http://iheartartblog. blogspot. co. uk/2010/05/raoul-hausmann-art-critic. html Audio Raoul Hausmann The Art Critic 1919-1920. 2011. [online]. Last accessed 20 May 2012 at: http://www. moma. org/explore/multimedia/audios/29/707 Chapter 12 Words and Images. 2009. [online]. Last accessed 20 May 2012 at: http://wiki. igital-foundations. net/index. php? title=Ch apter_12. _Words_and_Images Liam. 2009. [online]. Last accessed 19 May 2012 at: http://poptonesmusings. blogspot. co. uk/2009/02/dadaism-and-punk-meaning-less. html BERRYMAN,Ashleigh. 2010. [online]. Last accessed 19 May 2012 at: http://ashleighberryman. wordpress. com/2010/11/04/punk-is-dadaism/ KALOGERAKIS,Stelios,2011. [online]. Last accessed 19 May 2012 at: http://www. kalogerakis. org/? p=1171 Punk visual art. 2012. [online]. Last accessed 20 May 2012 at: http://en. wikipedia. org/wiki/Punk_visual_art Dada. 2012. [online].Last accessed 20 May 2012 at: http://en. wikipedia. org/wiki/Dada POYNTON,Rick (2003). No More Rules Graphic Design and Postomodernism. London: Laurencce King Publishing. p39-40. GALE,Matthew (1997). Dada& Surrealism. London: Phaidon Press Limited. p103. ADES,Dawn (1986). Photomontage . 2nd ed. London: Thames and Hudson. p19-21. BIGSBY,C. W. E. (1972). Dada& Surrealism. London: Methuen & Co Ltd. p10-11. HERBERT,David (ed. ) (1970). Dada. London: Studio Vista L imited. p9-11 p28-35. GREIL,Micheal(1989). Lipstick Traces: a secret of the twentieth century. London: Secker & Warburg.
Wednesday, October 23, 2019
Ethics and brand Essay
Branding is defined in various ways. In the case of engineering, technological and high value products the brand name plays an important role. Customers are ready to pay premium for a brand due to the intrinsic value and trustworthiness attached to it. They trust particular brand that’s the reason they buy it. In business-to-business buying consumers or professional buyers rely on the strong and positive image of the brand. The products or services these consumers buy have impact on their business and operations. Ethical branding enhances corporate reputation over a period of time, it helps them retaining their consumers and creating long term and strong relationship with consumers in the present competitive market place. There are several ways companies are operating in the global market. Company like Toyota has different strategies for developed countries and developing countries depending upon consumer group and market. Consumers in country like Europe are more concerned about environmental friendly and fuel efficient products whereas consumers in developing countries are concerned about mileage and affordability. Toyota is one of the most reputed global brands for its ethical practices in every area from recruitment to branding. Consumers pay premium for the preferred brands. Positive brand image like ethical branding will definitely encourage consumers to buy the product over competitors. It depends on the target consumers and market place where a company is operating whether or not, consumer will be ready to pay more for ethical brands. Different technological products and services like software, Operating Systems and E-commerce activities like banking and finance, high Technology products like pharmacy, biotechnology products consumers rely on the reputation and brand image for their buying decisions. The products where the consumer has low level of knowledge and high level of requirements consumer will probably take decision in favor of ethical and more reputed brand over the other. A strong and positive brand image helps organisations to not only be on the top of the mind of consumers but also contribute to the long-term success of the product. This is the reason companies like Cola and Pepsi use advertising strategies to gain maximum of market share. Some companies adopt practice like they communicate themselves to be an ethical brand rather than adopting ethical practices. This limits realty of ethical branding. However, regulatory bodies, active consumer groups and other organizations keep an eye on such companies and their practices and investigate the matters. Active consumer groups put pressure on the corporate to adopt ethical practices. Companies become more accountable for their acts with their ethical branding efforts. Consumers worldwide are being more sensitive about ethical practices adopted by companies and the numbers of consumers ready to pay premium for the ethical brands are growing. This phenomenon is encouraging professionals and engineers to adopt ethical practices and comply with the ethical branding campaign of their companies. Ethical branding is more acceptable in the social groups where price sensitivity of the consumers is low. Professional engineers have many opportunities with ethical branding. The intellectual property rights will help them protecting their copyrights and patients, trade marks and trade secrets. They will have better protection for their innovations and will be encouraged to adopt ethical practices that can add value to the branding efforts.
Tuesday, October 22, 2019
If You Had a Magic Wand Ice Breaker for Adults
If You Had a Magic Wand Ice Breaker for Adults If you had a magic wand and could change anything, what would you change? This is an icebreaker that opens minds, considers possibilities, and energizes your group when the discussion is dead. Its perfect for a classroom full of adults, a corporate meeting or seminar, or any group of adults gathered to learn. Ideal Size: Up to 20, divided into larger groups. Time Needed: 15 to 20 minutes, depending on the size of the group. Materials Needed A flip chart or whiteboard, and markers if you want to record the results, but this will depend on your topic and reason for playing. It isnt necessary. A fun wand of some kind to pass around would add to the fun. You can usually find one at a hobby shop or toy store. Look for Harry Potter or fairy princess merchandise. Instructions for Use During Introductions Give the magic wand to the first student with instructions to give his or her name, say a little something about why they chose your class, and what they would wish for regarding the topic if they had a magic wand. Example introduction: Hi, my name is Deb. I wanted to take this class because I really struggle with math. My calculator is my best friend. If I had a magic wand, Id have a calculator in my head so I could do math instantly. Instructions for Use When Discussion Dries Up When youre having trouble getting your class to participate in discussion, get the magic wand out and pass it around. Ask students to share what they would do with a magic wand. If you think your topic should be eliciting creative responses from your students, but isnt, keep the magic on the topic. If youre open to a little fun and craziness to liven things up, open the magic to anything at all. You might produce some laughter, and laughter heals almost everything. It definitely energizes. Debriefing Debrief after introductions, especially if you have a whiteboard or flip chart to refer to, by reviewing which magic wishes will be touched on in your agenda. If used as an energizer, debrief by asking the group to discuss how their magic wishes can be applied to your topic. Encourage wide open thinking. The sky is the limit. Sometimes two seemingly different ideas can be combined to create a great new thought.
Monday, October 21, 2019
Oppositional Defiance Disorder Children And Young People Essay Essays
Oppositional Defiance Disorder Children And Young People Essay Essays Oppositional Defiance Disorder Children And Young People Essay Essay Oppositional Defiance Disorder Children And Young People Essay Essay Oppositional Defiant Disorder is classified in the DSM-IV-TR as a riotous behaviour upset. An Oppositional Defiant Disorder kid shows an on-going form of uncooperative, noncompliant, aggressive, and disobedient behaviour toward authorization figures. Children with Oppositional Defiant Disorder are normally in changeless problem at school, have trouble devising or maintaining friends, do non follow grownups petitions, blames others for their errors, are easy annoyed, and loses their pique at the bead of a chapeau. In the United States Oppositional Defiant Disorder is thought to impact about six per centum of all kids ; with the bulk of them coming from households in the lower category. One survey stated that about eight per centum of kids from low-income households were diagnosed with Oppositional Defiant Disorder. The upset is frequently observed by the clip a kid is six old ages old but no subsequently than a kid s preadolescent old ages. With this upset boy s besides be given to be diagnosed more frequently than misss in the preadolescent old ages. However, it is every bit common in males and females by adolescence. Recently, it has been discovered that misss may demo the symptoms of Oppositional Defiant Disorder otherwise than male childs. Girls with this upset may demo their brutality through words instead than actions and in other indirect ways. For illustration, misss with Oppositional Defiant Disorder are quicker to lie and to be uncooperative ; while male childs are more likely to lose their pique and argue with grownups. It has besides been estimated that about tierce of the kids who have this upset besides have Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder. Children who have Oppositional Defiant Disorder are frequently diagnosed with anxiousness or depression every bit good. Diagnosis Part of childhood is reasoning with your parents or withstanding authorization from clip to clip, particularly when the kid is tired, hungry, or upset. Some of the behaviours associated with Oppositional Defiant Disorder can besides happen because the kid is undergoing a passage, is under emphasis, or is in the thick of a crisis. This makes the behavioural symptoms of Oppositional Defiant Disorder sometimes hard for parents to separate from the stress-related behaviours. In order for a kid to be diagnosed with Oppositional Defiant Disorder they have to be highly negative, hostile, and defiant in a changeless form for at least 6 months. This behaviour besides needs to be inordinate compared to what is typical for a kid at that age and disruptive to the household, school environments and normally directed toward an authorization figure. An illustration of an authorization figure would be parents, instructors, chief, or manager. The kid besides has to exhibit during these six months fou r or more of the undermentioned behavioral symptoms that are associated with Oppositional Defiant Disorder ; frequent pique fits, inordinate reasoning with grownups, sharply declining to follow with petitions and regulations, frequently oppugning the regulations, intentionally raging and upsetting others, frequently touchy or annoyed by others, faulting others for their errors, frequent effusions of choler and bitterness, or frequently vindictive or revengeful. Besides, the break must do important sum of harm to the kid s academic, occupational or societal operation and can non happen merely during a Psychotic or Mood Disorder episode. Last, the kid can non be diagnosed with Oppositional Defiant Disorder if they meet standards for Conduct Disorder, if the person is 18 old ages of age or older or run into standards for Antisocial Personality Disorder. Case Study My best friend has a boy with Oppositional Defiant Disorder. His name is Radon. Radon is ten old ages old and attends the 5th class. Radon s twenty-four hours normally starts out with reasoning about what he can and can non convey to school. His female parent and his instructor have now made out a written list of what these things are. Radon was conveying a computing machine to school and stating his instructor that his female parent said it was alright. At first his instructor wondered about this, but Radon seemed so credible. Then Radon brought a small knife. That led to a existent apprehension between the instructor and Radon s female parent. Radon does non travel to school on the coach. He gets teased and so retaliates instantly. Since it is impossible to oversee coach drives adequately, his parents and the school gave up and they drive him to school. It is still difficult to acquire him at that place on clip. As the clip to go forth attacks, he gets slower and slower. Now it is non rather as bad because for every minute he is tardily he loses a dime from his day-to-day allowance. Once at school, he normally gets into a small forcing with the other childs in those few proceedingss between his female parent s eyes and the instructor s. The category work does non travel that severely unless he has an episode as his female parent put it. Then he will toss desks, swear at the instructor, rupture up his work and garbage to make anything for the remainder of the twenty-four hours. The grounds for his effusions seem so fiddling, but to him they are the terminal of the universe. He is non allowed to travel to the bathroom by him self and at times this fusss him so he flips his desk. He was told to halt tapping his pencil, so he swore at the instructor. These types of things happen throughout the twenty-four hours harmonizing to his female parent. Deferral is still the hardest clip for Radon. He tells everyone that he has tonss of friends, but his female parent says that if you watch what goes on in the tiffin room or on the resort area ; it is difficult to calculate out who they are. Some childs avoid him, but most would give him a opportunity if he was nt so autocratic. The resort area supervisor attempts to acquire him involved in a association football game every twenty-four hours. He is nt bad at it, but he will non go through the ball, so no 1 truly wants him on his squad. After school is the clip that do his ma earnestly see foster attention. The place work conflict is atrocious. He refuses to make work for an hr, so complains, interrupt pencils, and annoy her. This drags 30 proceedingss of work out to two hours. So, now she hires a coach. He does nt seek all of this on the coach, at least so far. With no place work, he is easier to take. But he still wants to make something with her every minute. Each twenty-four hours he asks her to assist him with a theoretical account or play a game at approximately 4:30. Each twenty-four hours she tells him she can non right now as she is doing supper. Each twenty-four hours he screams out that she does nt of all time make anything with him, slams the door, and goes in the other room and normally turns the Television on really loud. She comes up, tells him to turn it down three times. He does nt and is sent to his room. After supper Radon s pa takes over and they play some games together and normally it goes all right for about an hr. Then it normally ended in shouting. He is so sent to bed and the twenty-four hours starts all over. Since I talked to Radon s female parent about him he has had a really hard clip at school. He is now being home tutored by the after school coach that he had before. The school has found him to be a menace to the staff and other kids. The incidents that lead to this were that he destroyed the principal s office, threated to kill two staff members, and three kids. The ma does non desire him set into a school for kids with behavioural upsets as she feels it will merely do him worse. Radon is now seeing three different people to assist with his upset. One is a societal worker, one is a head-shrinker and the other is an anger direction specializer. The school continues to work with her and if all goes good he will be transitioned back into the school following twelvemonth. She still has jobs with him at place. Causes There are many different theories that try to explicate Oppositional Defiant Disorder. There is the psychodynamic theory that interprets the aggressive and noncompliant behaviour as an indicant of a deeply-seated feeling of deficiency of love from the parents, the inability to swear and an absence of understanding. The behavioural theory suggests that Oppositional Defiant Disorder is caused by a dysfunctional household life, deficiency of parenting and the perennial giving into demands that are reinforced when bad behaviour occurs. The biological theory suggests that these behavioural jobs in kids could be caused by damages to certain countries of the encephalon. There is besides a nexus between the sum of certain chemicals in the encephalon and Oppositional Defiant Disorder. The biological theory suggests that if these chemicals are out of balance, the encephalon is so non working decently. Then the messages sent may non do it through the encephalon right, taking to symptoms of Oppo sitional Defiant Disorder. Last, cognitive theories province that the kid feels ill will in their lives and in bend respond to other with their ain ill will. Treatments The first measure is to measure the danger the kids pose to themselves or others and measure the impact that the environment may be holding on their continued development. It is of import to besides measure the ability of the kid parents to adequately care for them. In some instances, crisis attention or residential intervention may necessitate to see. Treatment for kids and striplings should include multiple avenues. Individual therapy, parent intercession, school intercession, and community based intercessions should all be considered. While there are several interventions available to assist they have non developed a medicine to handle this upset. There are medicines research workers say will assist with the symptoms but no decently executed survey has been completed. A intervention that is available nevertheless, would be Psychotherapy. This is a type of reding that is aimed at assisting the kids develop more effectual header and problem-solving accomplishments. There is besides household therapy, which may be used to assist better household interactions and communicating among household members, every bit good as parent direction preparation. This teaches parents ways to positively change their kid s behaviour. Last, there are behavior direction programs. These are an understanding between parents and kids that give wagess for positive behaviours and effects for negative behaviours. The interventions for Oppositional Defiant Disorder are normally a long-run committedness. It may take a twelvemonth or more of intervention to see noticeable betterment. It is of import for households to go on with intervention even if they see no immediate betterment. If Oppositional Defiant Disorder is non treated or if intervention is abandoned, the kid is more likely to develop behavior upset. The hazard of developing behavior upset is lower in kids who are merely mildly noncompliant. It is higher in kids who are more noncompliant and in kids who besides have Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder. In grownups, behavior upset is called antisocial personality upset. Children who have untreated Oppositional Defiant Disorder are besides at hazard for developing passive-aggressive behaviours as grownups. Persons with passive-aggressive features tend to see themselves as victims and incrimination others for their jobs.
Sunday, October 20, 2019
Compounds with Heart
Compounds with Heart Compounds with Heart Compounds with Heart By Mark Nichol Heart appears as the first element in a couple dozen compounds, but the nouns are divided between open compounds (like â€Å"heart attack†) and closed compounds (as in the case of heartache), and a couple of adjectives are hyphenated (as with heart-healthy). Is there any method to the madness for these differing styles? Generally, terms associated literally with the central component of the circulatory system are closed compounds, while those with figurative meanings are open. Compounds having to do with the blood-pumping organ include â€Å"heart attack,†â€Å"heart disease,†and â€Å"heart rate.†Heartbeat is an exception in form, but the term is also used figuratively, as in â€Å"I’d go in a heartbeat†to refer to how quickly one would travel somewhere if given the chance. The closed compound heartburn, meanwhile, refers to a condition of the body, but it’s a colloquial term for indigestion that has nothing to do with the heart. (The pain is centered in the esophagus, which is close to the heart.) Nonliteral usage includes numerous nouns referring to love and its complications, including heartache and heartthrob, as well as adjectives for emotions surrounding positive feelings, such as heartfelt and heartwarming, that are closed. The only one of these words that has multiple part-of-speech variations is heartbreak: Heartbreaker refers to someone who habitually causes heartbreak, and a victim of such a person is heartbroken, though this emotion is also associated with disappointment (â€Å"She was heartbroken about not getting the job†) or betrayal (â€Å"Smith’s failure to support him left him feeling heartbroken†); the adjectival form is heartbreaking and the adverbial form is heartbreakingly. Other closed compounds allude to the heart as the core of the body, as in heartland to refer to the central part of a landmass, with a connotation that the region represents industriousness or other traditional values, and heartwood, which denotes the core of a tree. (The heartwood of a pine tree is called heart pine.) A type of fruit is called heart cherry, based on its physical resemblance to the stylized image of a heart, and a similarly shaped shellfish is called a heart cockle. Besides the adjective heart-healthy, the only hyphenated compound in which heart is the first element is the rarely used adjective heart-free, to refer to someone who is not in love and thus is less likely to become heartbroken. Want to improve your English in five minutes a day? Get a subscription and start receiving our writing tips and exercises daily! Keep learning! Browse the Vocabulary category, check our popular posts, or choose a related post below:Dialogue Dos and Don'tsYay, Hooray, Woo-hoo and Other AcclamationsPersonification vs. Anthropomorphism
Saturday, October 19, 2019
Fashion PR Article Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words
Fashion PR - Article Example The present paper endeavors to critically analyze the applicability of known dictums in public relations to the fashion industry after carefully understanding the development of public relations in the industry from earlier times in history. The development of public relations strategies in fashion industry came about around the 1930s, when members of the elite and wealthy class could afford to select and pick designer wearables like garments, gowns, wigs, glasses, bracelets, umbrellas and so on. By then, distinct fashion magazines were already available in print in the urban society and photos were being printed to create cover pages for the magazines. Fashion was not just restricted to apparels and what a person wore, but was also found in home dà ©cor and accessories. By the 1960s, a more important trend of identifying and portraying the volatility of the industry began and is popular till today. Amongst the first examples of use of public relation strategy in promoting fashion p roducts, we find a localization of power as a particular news house would ask members of its elite class or Hollywood actors and actresses who are members of the book house or publishing house to wear creations of known designer members of the same society, at events and functions where they would get noticed and clicked. This way, the publishing houses hoped to keep glamour and glitz showcased on people associated with them. One such example is seen when Eleanor Lambert in 1950 asks Joan Crawford to sport.
Friday, October 18, 2019
Comparative Analysis of A Rose for Emily by William Faulkner and Luck Essay
Comparative Analysis of A Rose for Emily by William Faulkner and Luck by Mark Twain - Essay Example The presence of a universal characteristic in literary works also means that there are also texts that provide scenarios, feelings, thoughts, or experiences that are unique and not experienced by the majority. In this paper, a comparison of two short stories is provided as an illustration of Johnson's point in elucidating the meaning of "just representations of general nature. The literary texts included in the comparative analysis are "A Rose for Emily" by William Faulkner and "Luck" by Mark Twain. The choice for these texts is motivated mainly by the 'level of representativeness of each.' That is, Faulkner's short story is identified as more universal in its theme, while Twain's equally entertaining short story differs from Faulkner's because of its unique quality. The discussion and analysis posits, then, that "A Rose" is an example of a literary work that possesses the "representativeness" quality that Johnson talks about because of its utilization of society's hostility of an individual because Emily chose to deviate from the norms of her community. Meanwhile, Twain's "Luck" lacks the universality that Faulkner's work has because luck is an uncommon phenomenon, not universally experienced by people throughout their life, as opposed to what was illustrated in the life of the story's primary subject, Lt. Gen. Arthur Scoresby. Emily Grierson is depicted as a social outcast in the community that she lived in, setting the mood early on in Faulkner's short story. The relationship between the community and Emily was one that bordered between hostility and indifference: while most of the people in the community had considered Emily as an individual who lived in the past (i.e., trying to live the affluent life that she had when she was young), and thus they became indifferent, even uninterested, in her, there were some members of the community who reveled on the fact that there lived a woman in their place that does not 'fit' the image of a 'pleasant' community member. This relationship is effectively illustrated by the narrator's description of people's behavior during her funeral: "our whole town went to her funeral: the men through a sort of respectful affection for a fallen monument, the women mostly out of curiosity" The fact that Emily managed to survive on her own and with the help of her servant, Tobe, is not the only mystery that intrigued her community. Despite her denial to admit that she lives in poverty at the time of her death, another mystery that remained was the fate of Emily's relationship with Homer Barron, her supposed fianc who had suddenly disappeared from the community and Emily's life. Emily's deviant behavior was indeed confirmed when it was revealed later in the story that she was both poor and a murderer, having killed Homer when he denied her of her love for him. Though deviant in nature, the community's treatment of Emily as a deviant is a universal experience among us. At some point in our lives, we had experienced fair or unfair persecution by our society and community, and Faulkner's effective and sensitive portrayal of this theme through Emily and her community makes the short story truly representative of humanity's behavior and nature. The reason for "Luck"'s lack of representativeness or universality to humanity's general experience in life is because the story focused on the phenomenon of luck, which is not only uncommon, but an unpopular phenomenon in a human society that is currently dominated by the ideology of rationality, logic, and science. Embodied by the character of Scoresby, luck
Jimmy Cliff Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words
Jimmy Cliff - Research Paper Example â€Å"Reggae changed the traditional rock patterns by allowing guitar to play the off-beat chords, while the bass guitar played melodic patterns†(Reggae par.1). Jimmy Cliff was born on April 1948 in Somerton District of Jamaica; he was the second youngest among 9 of his brothers and sisters. His parents parted away when he was very young, so Cliff was brought up by his grandmother and father. His Grandmother played an important role in his career as she always encouraged him to sing and appreciated whatever he sang. She made him confident about his ability of doing something great one day. Family too played a very major role in Cliff’s life. Jimmy Cliff apart from being a well known singer is also known as an internationally famous musician and actor. With his 50 years of valuable contribution in the entertainment industry Cliff has two Grammy Awards to his credit and also the distinction of being one of the only two reggae artists inducted in the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame, the highest honour given by Jamaican government in the field of arts and sciences making him an international icon. With over 20 albums till date, Jimmy â€Å"Cliff has been one of the brightest stars of Jamaica’s thriving musical culture and was among the first to bring reggae to the worldwide audience†(Jimmy Cliff Biography par.1). ... Cliff’s later hit singles included King of Kings, Dearest Beverly, Miss Jamaica, Pride and Passion. â€Å"The harder they come†in 1972 gave him an opportunity to showcase his acting talent where he played the role of a boy who wanted to enter into the world of music but could not succeed and with time he gets involved in illegal activities and crime, his role was appreciated by all, the movie was a big hit and brought Jimmy and Reggae in international spotlight. His songs â€Å"Many Rivers to Cross†and â€Å"The Harder they come†were a massive hit. Jimmy always wanted to become an actor and in his school days he was appreciated for his acting skills and his prime will was to become an iconic actor and singing just happened by accident. Music and Acting has played a very important role in his life and these are the two things which gave him the recognition worldwide. His achievements in his career make him unique and he is unstoppable even at the age of 65. Jimmy Cliff is ready to play a new innings in his career with the sequel of his famous movie â€Å" The Harder they come†through which he dreamed to win his dream : The Oscar and is also working on his Grammy Fame Album Rebirth’s next part where he wants to experiment with something new apart from reggae. Jimmy also contributed a lot towards the society by raising his voice for the poor and deprived, he was very disturbed to see the plight of people in Africa and their discrimination on the basis of colour, through his songs like the opener, world upside down whose lyrics were updated by Cliff. His socially conscious songs on Rebirth included â€Å"Children’s Bread, with his harsh refrain, â€Å"They took the children’s bread and give it to the dogs...The time has come for us to right the wrongs.â€
Thursday, October 17, 2019
Freedom, I Write Your Name Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3250 words
Freedom, I Write Your Name - Essay Example Some of libertarians uphold the perspectives of economist Friedrich August von Hayek. Hayek concluded that the rules of conduct in a society are evolving, that they survive because they are useful and help that society survive. To his mind, the free market had survived the test of time, in that most successful societies were market based in some way. Hayek considered free market capitalism to be superior to other economic systems because it handles human ignorance by passing information in coded form through the price mechanism, which indicates areas where profits could be made and resources efficiently used. Additionally, it allocates resources without being predicated on any specific objectives or assuming what the objectives of individual people are. It also facilitates freedom, in that for it to work there need to be rules demarcating â€Å"protected domains†for each person, where no other has the right to interfere. This facilitation manifests in private property rights. Hayek viewed strong property rights and the free market as the best way of protecting liberty. But, Hayek did not argue for the total abolishment of tax, or even that it should be restricted to law enforcement and defense. Hayek thought taxes, levied rightly, could be used for welfareâ€â€a kind of â€Å"bleeding heart libertarianism†â€â€or to provide certain goods which the market might fail to adequately supply. However, in practice Hayek believed it would hardly ever be necessary to use taxes in this way.
Introduction the Critique of Pure Reason Research Paper
Introduction the Critique of Pure Reason - Research Paper Example In Kant’s arguments, he spoke of the concepts that structure human experience. Kant termed the perceptions that structure human experience as fundamental concepts. On the topic of morality, Kant argued that there cannot be any morality without reason. Kant paced reason as the driver towards a morality motivated life. Immanuel Kant stated that reasoning was the basis of human existence, and moral being should embrace logic for a peaceful and well-developed life. Kant is an individual who had a foremost influence in the present day thinking and practice. Kant had an imperative knowledge in the field of metaphysics, ethics, esthetics and political philosophy. The knowledge that Kant had in the above fields was a particular strength and motivator towards coming up with his findings on human experience. Kant’s experience in different areas of philosophy enabled him conduct his research from different perspectives. Kant, therefore, came up with enough prove to support his arg ument. Kant’s argument is considered one of the building stones in the modern society because morality and human experience are some of the infinite features of human existence. Immanuel Kant, therefore, remains an important figure up to today, due to his advancements on the requirements for human life in the modern contemporary society. On the concept of priori judgment, Kant had several observations to make. Kant stipulated that there were two types of propositions; analytic and synthetic propositions. Priori judgment is also known as analytic experience. Analytic judgments are perceptions or concepts that can be said to be true by virtues of their meaning. Kant explained that some ideas of thought needed minimal explanations. The ideas purely express themselves without the need for the further course of reasoning (Kant, pg. 44). Such prepositions are referred to as analytic because their analysis does not necessarily mean it has to be related
Wednesday, October 16, 2019
The Use of Recurring Theme in Ha-Jins Work Research Paper
The Use of Recurring Theme in Ha-Jins Work - Research Paper Example The research paper "The Use of Recurring Theme in Ha-Jin’s Work" analyses the creative works of a popular poet and novel writer Ha-Jin and his new and unique view of literature. He majorly writes about his experience during his stay in China, his experience during the proletarian Cultural Revolution of 1956, being the main fueling factor that propelled him to speak out through writing short stories in his famous collection known as The Red Flag, in which he points out the then normal daily lives of villagers. His work majorly revolves around attempts to speak the truth of life as it is without sugarcoating the psychology of the reader in order to make the work appealing. To some point, he views himself as a spokesperson of the people, but then his career as a writer prevents him from fully expressing his emotions and grievances. The main theme in his new works is humanity and human feasibility, which he explores throughout his later literary works. For instance, he focuses on the most recent political activities, as well as how these activities affect humanity’s life. He explicitly explored the political regime and its unfriendly reality, which was manifested in human’s life. An example is the story, Waiting (1999), which does not address the issues of culture revolution, but rather focuses on one's personal life, the desire of the heart, their love life. Dr. Lin Kong and Shuyu are forced to wait for eighteen years before marrying because he had not gotten his divorce approved by the court. Later, he gets the long coveted divorce then marries her after being permitted by a law that allowed those who have been separated for eighteen years to divorce; however, after marrying her, he does not seem to love her. The desires of human hearts greatly conflict the orders and values established by the la w of the land. He has to travel to the village regularly to get his divorce and be free. However, he has to wait for this long trapped by societal demands and expectations with one woman on one side while, on the other side, he longs to be with the woman he truly loves. He is in a dilemma regarding the two women who belongs to different takes of life. For example, one belongs to the new China of the Cultural Revolution and one given to him by the traditions. This is a great love story that is seen overcoming cultural barriers of his family. This story explores the antagonism between an individual’s emotional feeling and the societal norms. Ha- Jin clearly identifies the existing disagreement between the individuals and the society. The story represents the constant change in the political nature and
Introduction the Critique of Pure Reason Research Paper
Introduction the Critique of Pure Reason - Research Paper Example In Kant’s arguments, he spoke of the concepts that structure human experience. Kant termed the perceptions that structure human experience as fundamental concepts. On the topic of morality, Kant argued that there cannot be any morality without reason. Kant paced reason as the driver towards a morality motivated life. Immanuel Kant stated that reasoning was the basis of human existence, and moral being should embrace logic for a peaceful and well-developed life. Kant is an individual who had a foremost influence in the present day thinking and practice. Kant had an imperative knowledge in the field of metaphysics, ethics, esthetics and political philosophy. The knowledge that Kant had in the above fields was a particular strength and motivator towards coming up with his findings on human experience. Kant’s experience in different areas of philosophy enabled him conduct his research from different perspectives. Kant, therefore, came up with enough prove to support his arg ument. Kant’s argument is considered one of the building stones in the modern society because morality and human experience are some of the infinite features of human existence. Immanuel Kant, therefore, remains an important figure up to today, due to his advancements on the requirements for human life in the modern contemporary society. On the concept of priori judgment, Kant had several observations to make. Kant stipulated that there were two types of propositions; analytic and synthetic propositions. Priori judgment is also known as analytic experience. Analytic judgments are perceptions or concepts that can be said to be true by virtues of their meaning. Kant explained that some ideas of thought needed minimal explanations. The ideas purely express themselves without the need for the further course of reasoning (Kant, pg. 44). Such prepositions are referred to as analytic because their analysis does not necessarily mean it has to be related
Tuesday, October 15, 2019
Sociological Imagination and Social Issues Essay Example for Free
Sociological Imagination and Social Issues Essay People are more likely to use psychological arguments to explain why things are they way they are rather than look at the sociological aspect of them. They think that problems happening in their lives are personal and overlook that they may be caused by society (Ferris Stein 13). Sociological imagination challenges people to look at the â€Å"intersection between biography and history†and see the role we each play in society (Mills 1959 and Ferris Stein 13). We must look at how larger social issues are intertwined in with each individual’s life and how society shapes a person. There are many benefits with using the sociological perspective on life and one of the most important ones is obtaining a â€Å"world beyond our own immediate sphere†(Ferris Stein 13). By doing this, we can seek radically different ways to experience life and look at our reality differently then we ever thought possible. It forces us to see how we created our values, morals, beliefs, and at some point we may need to reevaluate why we had them to begin with. Thinking with a sociological imagination makes us see the errors of our thinking and how we can change that. Macrosociology looks at how society and its social structure determine individual’s lives and sometimes even beliefs and opinions. I believe that I view myself differently because of how society told me I must be. It is instilled in us to be successful and I push my own limits in order to achieve that and my thoughts constantly revolve around how successful I can be and the consequences if I am not (Jenkins. My â€Å"Me and Society†Journal. 10/05/12). Society tends to set up rules or general guidelines for how everyone should live their lives and how to act socially. When a person departs from the â€Å"norm†in any way they are considered deviant and when the violations of rules have been written into law they are considered crimes (Dreiling. 10/23/2012. Lecture). How deviance is perceived may be different depending on who is explaining it. Psychologists state that personality characteristics within the individual that drive them to stray from the norm while sociologists believe that social relations outside the individual are the cause (Dreiling. 10/23/2012. Lecture). There are many things, however, that are not only considered an act of deviance but consequences or benefits from being deviant. There are two general divisions of deviant violations: folkways and mores. Violation of folkways are more common, frowned upon issues such as jaywalking or poor manners whereas violations of mores are illegal incidences such as murder or rape. When these act of deviances occur, there are those who bind groups together and this can reinforce the person to continue these acts. Majority of the people, however, disapprove of these acts and they are called a negative sanction (Dreiling. 10/23/2012. Lecture). They tend to look down upon the acts, gossip, and with the more serious violations, imprison individuals and receive capital punishment. While the United States uses capital punishment and imprisonment as punishment for deviance, other countries don’t have these resources if they even desired to use it. Therefore, there are other techniques they use such as the Amish who shun those who violate the strict norms of the group because guilt of immorality is the ultimate punishment. They believe that those in the religious community cannot associate with lawbreakers even if they are family members and while the shunning is temporary, it has an impact an prevents deviant behavior (Ferris Stein 154). In the 20th Century, Robert Merton created the Structural Strain Theory that provides a connection between functionalist and conflict theories (Ferris Stein). It states that there are goals within society that people strive to achieve, however, they are unable to reach these goals and this creates a stress when people realize they cannot achieve them (Dreiling. 10/25/2012. Lecture). Stanley Milgram states that obedience is deeply ingrained into our behavioral tendencies and impulse overriding ethics and moral conducts (Dreiling. 10/25/2012. Lecture). Rebels are people that reject the cultural definitions of success and therefore are not obedient to the social norm to be successful making them deviant. Since they â€Å"rebel†to the social norm it advocates radical alternatives to the social order that society lives in today (Ferris Stein 158). Kerckhoff and Back stated that â€Å"the belief in a tangible threat makes it possible to explain and justify one’s sense of discomfort†and this is why imprisonment and capital punishment is created (Dreiling. 10/25/2012. Lecture). Between the years of 1980 and 2006, the amount of incarcerated Americans went up nearly five times accumulating over two million prisoners. With less the 5% of the world’s population, we have created social acts that should be punishable by prison and have 23.4% of the world’s prisoners (Dreiling. 10/25/2012. Lecture). Sociologists and other groups have studied so in depth to crime and punishment that there are many subcategories within society that reasons with why people are incarcerated such as gender, race, age, and class as well as specified crime groups for violent, property, and white collar crimes (Ferris Stein 172, 173). Sociological imagination forces us to look at how we are asked to act and society and how we actually act. Most of the things we do in our daily lives we may think is by choice, however, it is how society wants us to live. Anytime individual’s challenge or stray from the norm of how society thinks we must function, there are consequences that are sometimes so severe that they drastically change our societies views, morals, and attitudes. By expanding our thinking about deviance we can really look at why we do not accept certain things that people do such as body modification even though it is not harming us. It also gives people the opportunity to look at how we react and punish those who are deviant and decide whether we have been acting appropriately with punishments such as capital punishment. By doing this we are given the chance to look at what we truly believe, whether it is because of macrosociology or microsociology, and make strides to change things. With sociological perspective, we are being asked to question how we do things and why. Then we are being asked not if we can change it but how. What I think should be another question is if we want to change it. We can abandon or reevaluate our opinions, beliefs, morals, and attitudes but at the end of the day we need to look at our society and decide if the course of action is effective and if we, as individuals and a whole, feel comfortable with the standards we set on each other and ourselves. I believe that there must be a sense of right and wrong and punishment and rewards in order to have a balance in society. That is why we have deviance and crime within our society and there is nothing wrong with having a balance in our world. Bibliography 1. Ferris, Kerry, and Jill Stein. The real world: an introduction to sociology. 2nd ed. New York: W.W. Norton Co., 2010. Print. 2. Katherine Jenkins. October 05, 2012. â€Å"I-Me-Society Journal 1†. 3. Dreiling, Michael. October 23, 2012. Lecture. 4. Dreiling, Michael. October 25, 2012. Lecture.
Monday, October 14, 2019
Business Ethics And Social Responsibility Management Essay
Business Ethics And Social Responsibility Management Essay Capitalism is often said the most selfish economic system but what usually is forgotten is that the very base of capitalism, the very foundation is based on ethics, morality and laws. Yes the system might seem to be fair but within that system, there is the paramount place for utility and protection of private property. This very fact makes ethics indispensable to the core ideology. It is unfair to take somebody elses property (an often repeated rule of capitalism), one can not force another person to work against ones will (another virtue of capitalism) , all point out to the special role ethics has played in the field of business and commerce. The whole modern day structure of commerce, business and trade is based on the unwritten and often vague principles of Ethics and moral behaviour. The point can well be taken forward by looking at the concept of externalities in business today. The point will be explained further by analyzing case studies of individual companies, today we live in an integrated society where no one person is isolated from the actions of the other. If today steel companies are producing pollution, then they are bringing trouble on themselves since they are polluting the environment they themselves breathe in. The harmful effects of pollution are global. This precisely is the concept of negative externalities. Ethics command us not to pollute the environment, modern day welfare Economics, directs us to the exact same. Now that we have established a firm base for ethics by use of modern day welfare economics, we continue to define what Business ethics are and what does the term corporate social responsibility mean. Business ethics (also known as corporate ethics) is a form of applied ethics or professional ethics that examines ethical principles and moral or ethical problems that arise in a business environment. It applies to all aspects of business conduct and is relevant to the conduct of individuals and business organizations as a whole. Applied ethics is a field of ethics that deals with ethical questions in many fields such as medical, technical, legal and business ethics. Further the practice of using ethics to make tough business decisions is known as ethicism and is increasingly gaining in popularity showing the kind of attention ethics is getting today. Professor Reshma Prasad says that firms can often gain super-normal profits by acting in an unethical fashion but sooner or later such behaviour does have its negative impact as well. Business ethics can be both a normative and a descriptive discipline. As a corporate practice and a career specialization, the field is primarily normative. In academia descriptive approaches are also taken. The range and quantity of business ethical issues reflects the degree to which business is perceived to be at odds with non-economic social values. Historically, interest in business ethics accelerated dramatically during the 1980s and 1990s, both within major corporations and within academia. For example, today most major corporate websites lay emphasis on commitment to promoting non-economic social values under a variety of headings (e.g. ethics codes, social responsibility charters). In some cases, corporations have redefined their core values in the light of business ethical considerations. Types of Managerial Ethics Archie B. Carroll, an eminent researcher, identified three types of management ethics, depending on the extent to which the decisions were ethical or moral: moral management amoral management immoral management Types of Managerial Ethics 1) Moral management Moral management strives to follow ethical principles and doctrines. Moral managers work to succeed without violating any ethical standards. They seek to succeed remaining within the bounds of laws. Such managers undertake such activities which ensure that though they may engage in legal and ethical behavior, they also continue to make a profit. The law should be followed not only in letter but also in spirit. Moral managers always seek to determine whether their actions, behavior or decisions are fair to themselves as well as to all other stakeholders involved. In the long run, this approach is likely to be in the best interests of the organizations. 2) Amoral management This approach is neither immoral nor moral. Amoral management simply ignores ethical considerations. It is broadly categorized into two types intentional and unintentional. Intentional amoral managers do not take ethical issues into consideration while making decisions or while taking any action, because in their perception, general ethical standards should only be applicable to the non-business areas of life. Unintentional amoral managers, however, do not even consider the moral implications of their decisions or actions. Amoral managers pursue profitability as the only goal and pay very little attention to the impact on any of their social stakeholders. They do not like to interfere in their employees activities, unless their behavior can lead to government interference. The guiding principle of amoral management is Within the law of the land, will this action, decision, or behavior help us make money? 3) Immoral management Immoral management not only ignores ethical concerns but it also actively opposes the ethical behavior. Organizations with immoral management are characterized by: Total concern for profits of the organization only. Strong inclination to minimize the expenditure. Laws are regarded as hurdles that should be removed or eliminated. Stress on profits and organization success at any cost. The basic principle governing immoral management is: Can we make money with this Action, decision, or behavior? Thus, ethical considerations are immaterial. Coming now to corporate social responsibility. A formal definition by Ravindran- CORPORATE social responsibility (CSR) is a concept that frequently overlaps with similar approaches such as corporate sustainability, corporate sustainable development, corporate responsibility, and corporate citizenship. While CSR does not have a universal definition, many see it as the private sectors way of integrating the economic, social, and environmental imperatives of their activities. CSR can be seen both in a positive light as well as some are more sceptical about the efforts that modern day firms undertake in the name of CSR. Different organisations have framed in the past different definitions, although there is considerable common ground between them. For instance, it is largely agreed largely that CSR is about how companies manage the business processes to produce an overall positive impact on society. So by balancing profits with an overall understanding and awareness of the short- and long-term consequences of an organisations activities on the environment and community, a company can help to ensure that future generations not only enjoy its products but also the environment. The paper will extensively analyze both the positive and negative effects of CSR initiatives. CORPORATE SOCIAL RESPONSIBILITY CSR. is a concept that states that organizations, especially corporations, have an obligation to consider the interests of customers, employees, shareholders, communities, and ecological considerations in all aspects of their operations. Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) is a form of corporate self-regulation integrated into the business model and day-to-day operations of the company. CSR policy gives a self-regulating framework whereby a business monitors and ensures its adherence to law, ethical standards, environmental norms and morality. CSR is a concept that frequently overlaps with similar approaches such as corporate sustainability, corporate responsibility, corporate sustainable development and corporate citizenship.In addition to integration into corporate structures and processes, CSR also frequently involves creating innovative and proactive solutions to societal and environmental challenges, as well as collaborating with both external and internal stakeholders to impr ove CSR performance. From a business perspective, CSR involves focusing on new opportunities as a way to respond to interrelated societal, social and environmental demands in the market. CSR is generally seen as the business contribution to sustainable development which has been defined as development that meets the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs, and is generally understood focusing on how to achieve the integration of environmental, economic and social imperatives. CSR commitments and activities typically address aspects of a firms behavior (including its policies and practices) with respect to such key elements as; environmental protection, health and safety, human rights, community development, corporate governance and consumer protection business ethics, supplier relations, labor protection, and stakeholder rights Relevance of Corporate Social Responsibility In the present corporate arena every company aims at long-term, sustained growth for its business. How does the growth trajectory of a business becomes long-term and sustained ? This happens when in future the supply of customers is assured. It is imperative that the company invests now to assure this future supply of customers. Thus, it is important that the company invests in the society because from the society forms the base from which its future customers will come. For long-term success, investment in the society is the most profitable investment a company can make. Moreover, there is a marked change in the way consumers buy their products and services. They engage in a cultural and ethical audit of the producers. They are eager to know how the company treats its employees, whether the company is sensitive to societal needs, issues etc. A company having a good history of positive contribution to the society gains an edge over other companies, thus enhancing the buy-ability of their product or service. In other words a producer having a good reputation in terms of adherence to ethics and morals has higher probability of scoring over other producers. In crowded markets, companies strive for the mindshare of the consumers by offering them a unique selling proposition that separates them from the competition in the minds of consumers, through social endeavours. Corporate Social Responsibility plays a vital role in building customer loyalty based on distinctive ethical values. CSR initiatives also enhance the reputation of the company as an employer. A CSR programme can be an aid to recruitment and retention, particularly within a competitive market where companies vie for the best of minds and talents. Potential recruits often eager to know the firms CSR policy and history as an employer during an interview. Having an active and comprehensive policy can give an advantage to the employer and positively differentiates the company in the eyes of the potential recruits. CSR can also help improve the image of a company among its present employees.CSR initiatives targeted towards the current employees sends positive signals to them, contributing to the environment of mutual respect and understanding between the management and the employees. Consumers and society in general expect more from the companies whose products they buy. This sense has increased in the light of recent corporate scandals, which reduced public trust of corporations, and reduced public confidence in the ability of regulatory bodies and organizations to control corporate excess. Hence, the impact of business clearly extends beyond the company and the market to society as whole. Apart from profitability, it is important that the company considers the ethical, moral, environmental, legal and social context of its activities. Businesses need to take responsibility for the impact of their activities on the environment, local population, consumers, employees, communities, stakeholders and all other members of the public sphere. The implication for the corporate sector is to strike a balance between profitability and social consciousness and sensitivity. The inclusion of public interest into corporate decision-making and business model is very important in the present corporate landscape. Positive Aspects of CSR CSR is an important business strategy because, everyone wants to associate with a partner they can trust. Customers want to buy products from companies they trust; suppliers want to form alliances with corporations they can rely on; employees want to work for companies they respect; and governments, increasingly, want to work with companies seeking feasible solutions and innovations in areas of common concern. Satisfying each of these stakeholder groups allows companies to maximize their commitment to another important stakeholder group-their investors, who benefit most when the needs of these other stakeholder groups are being met. Having a positive social image has its costs as companies have to invest in various endeavours but it pays in the long run. The businesses most likely to succeed in the globalizing world will be those best able to combine the often conflicting interests of its multiple stakeholders, and incorporate a wider spectrum of opinions and values within the decision-making process and objectives of the organization. We take two cases where years of CSR investments and adherence to societal norms helped corporations tide over crisis situations. Johnson Johnson British Petroleum Johnson Johnsons Tylenol Case Johnson Johnsons transparent handling of the crisis facing its Tylenol brand in 1982 is widely heralded as the model case in the area of crisis management. The company could make it possible through years of adherence to ethics and societal norms which were reflected in its CSR policies . The worldwide success of Johnson Johnson is widely attributed to its business philosophy. Robert Wood Johnson II first articulated this business philosophy in 1943 called The Johnson Johnsons Credo. In 1982 and 1986 Johnson Johnsons Tylenol acetaminophen was adulterated with cyanide and used as a murder weapon. During the crisis Johnson Johnsons managers and employees made countless decisions that were inspired by the philosophy embedded in the credo. Tylenol was immediately cleared from store shelves and the company was proactive and open in addressing each crisis. JJ went far and above what had previously been expected of corporations in such situations, instigating a $100 million re-call of 31 million bottles of the drug following a suspected poisoning/product tampering incident. In acting in the way it did, JJ saved the Tylenol brand, enabling it to remain a strong revenue earner for the company to this day. British Petroleum This example illustrates how investment in CSR initiatives can help a company gain the trust of the society . BP, with a $200 million re-branding exercise, has effectively re-positioned itself as the most environmentally sound and socially responsible of the extraction companies. The company stands in stark contrast today with Exxon Mobil that faces on-going NGO attacks, consumer boycotts, and activist-led litigation because of its decision to fight the environmental movement, and its failure to recognize the wider importance of CSR as a corporate strategy. Questionable CSR A counter view to the conventional one is that companies undertake CSR initiatives to distract the public from ethical questions that are posed by the fundamental operations of that company. Companys sole motive is to make profits and hence they start CSR programmes for brand building and in turn help achieve their corporate objective. Also by funding certain specific projects they also build reputation with government officials who in turn are obliged to favor them. Many firms claim to be committed towards sustainable development whereas their core business is a threat in itself. An example could be the hypocrisy of Ford. Although CSR issues aim at raising awareness of social and environmental issues no company changes its business model. Ford has a stance on reduction of greenhouse gases whereas their profits come from trucks and SUVs. Many companies have failed due to pursuit of unethical practices. An example of the same is satyam and Enron. Such companies CSR statements are only phony promises and their vested interests are the main reason for entering this corporate social sphere. To make companies behave in an ethical and socially responsible manner laws would have to be enforced. Corporate hypocrisy and sincerity needs to be addressed by making regulations and policies binding. We have taken two successful companies and analyzed their CSR initiatives and practices followed: British American Tobacco Dealing with the hypocrisy of the stance that organizations take Wal-Mart The unethical practices that are followed and how regulation can play an instrumental role in checking these undesirable activities British American Tobacco A major fiasco resulted as a revelation of the fact that the worlds second largest tobacco company masks the damage it causes to health, development and the environment in the garb of corporate social responsibility. Framework Convention on Tobacco Control (FCTC) was tried to be blocked by the top BAT executives .They tried to win political influence in Africa by using their support for AIDS prevention as a tool. They used tobacco industry research information to negate the findings of WHO regarding the harmful effects of secondhand smoke. BATs donation of HK$300,000 in 1992 to repair the Haizhou Bridge in Guangzhou province of China obliged the officialdom and helped establish. In 2005 BAT profits were greater than  £2.7 billion a year from a 15 per cent share of the world tobacco market. The total number of deaths due to tobacco related diseases was about 5 million. This implies BATs 300 brands of cigarettes that were sold in 180 countries caused three-quarters of a million premature deaths. ASH Director Deborah Arnott said: Tobacco firms like BAT hide behind glossy reports and boast of Corporate Social Responsibility. But this report shows the cynicism and deceit behind the public face. It should be read by decision-makers, campaigners and health professionals in every country where BAT seeks sales. Companies like BAT offer the ultimate devils bargain. When they enter developing countries in search of new markets, they come with a smile a handshake and an open cheque book. But they leave behind nothing but a trail of addiction, misery and death. The various CSR initiatives taken were: A clinic for the diagnosis of disease Accommodation for the homeless Arts and educational projects Such programmes win allies in local markets and also open doors of politicians and regulators. Impact on developing world: The regulations in poorer countries are weak and by helping to a little extent the companies oblige politicians and in turn they win favors and can easily establish themselves. Hence stringent regulations are required to prevent this exploitation. Wal-Mart Wal-Mart is one of the largest private employers in the US. The sheer size and magnanimity of the company allows it to follow certain unethical processes as the laws against them are also not very stringent. Some of the controversies surrounding Wal-Mart are: Many employees having children working here live below the poverty line. Wal-Mart portrays itself as a company selling U.S. manufactured goods but in reality it utilizes products made in foreign countries and at questionable workshops. As a result of the cost advantage it gets it throws some of the competition out. Unethical business practices that this company follows include: Labor Union Opposition: Wal-Mart claims to follow open door policy but its effectiveness in Wal-Mart is questionable. It is a non union organization and hence this structure helps the company have a no complaint system. Third party intervention is not desired. Employees are provided lower wages than unionized corporations and as a result end up quitting by the end of the first year. The employees are prohibited to talk to union representatives. This is unethical as according to the National Labor Relations Act, employers cannot discourage employees from forming a union for they have that right. Cases were filed against Wal-Mart United Food and Commercial Workers Union filed a complaint with the National Labor Relations Board against Wal-Mart. National Labor Relations Board alleged that Wal-Mart violated federal labor law as it bribed employees to report on co-workers who favored a union. (www.washingtonpost) Unfair Treatment of Employees: June 2001 Six Wal-Mart female employees filed a sex discrimination lawsuit. Women were not being trained or given promotions. Also they were underpaid as compared to their male counterparts. Discrimination on basis of gender was prevalent. Hence women were being treated in an undignified and disrespectful way. ( . Later in lieu of the given events Wal-Mart introduced workplace diversity initiatives to promote equality. Wages were very low compared to prevalent rates .They wanted to continue offering low prices to customers hence did not want to increase operating costs. Due to this the wages were kept low. Wal-Marts health insurance was very expensive and some of the employees could not even afford to pay for it. Case was filed against Wal-Mart as it did not pay employees more for overtime. Wal-Mart used illegal immigrants as workers to reduce costs. In October 2003 hundreds of illegal immigrants employed were uncovered. Companies have to spot ethical and unethical practices otherwise they would loose their reputation in the market. CONCLUSION Corporations today are best positioned when they reflect the values of the constantly shifting and sensitive market environment in which they operate. It is vital that they are capable of meeting the needs of an increasingly demanding and socially-aware consumer market, especially as brands move front and center of a firms total value. Global firms with global lifestyle brands have the most to lose if the public perception of the brand fails to live up to the image portrayed. Integrating a complete social perspective into all aspects of operations will maximize true value and benefit for an organization, while protecting the huge investments companies make in corporate brands. Along with the social responsibility, comes the opportunity to convert these social initiatives into tangible results namely profits. An organization should look what amount of value the project can give back to the organization. A social cost benefit analysis can give the organization a fair idea about what kind of rewards the initiative can generate for the organization. Thus an organization can decide on the initiatives taking into consideration these various factors.
Sunday, October 13, 2019
Schizophrenia, A splitting of the mind Essay -- essays research papers
Schizophrenia, A splitting of the mind Dementia Praecox, the early term for schizophrenia was presented by Emil Kraepelin in 1898. Dementia Praecox included – dementia paranoids, catatonia and hebephrenia. Whilst these different entities are symptomatically very diverse, Kraepelin believed they shared a common core. Kraepelin noted several major symptoms in his patients, these included hallucinations, delusions, negativism, attentional difficulties, stereotyped behaviour and emotional dysfunction. Kraepelin focused on describing schizophrenia and made no attempt to categorise and explain what he saw. Eugen Bleuler however tried to define the core of the disorder. Bleuler disagreed with Kraepelin on two points. Bleuler believed that the disorder didn’t necessary have an early onset and that the disorder didn’t necessarily lead to total dementia. Since he believed that the disorder didn’t lead to total dementia the term dementia praecox was no longer valid, so in 1908 Bleuler suggested a new term for the condition Schizophrenia. Bleuler had a great influence over the American concept of Schizophrenia. Whilst the European view of Schizophrenia remained relatively narrow. The American view of schizophrenia broadened significantly during the 20th century, with 80% of patients in the New York State Psychiatric Institute being diagnosed with Schizophrenia in 1952. Adolf Myer argued that diagnostic categories where often to stringent and believed that a more flexible approach to defining Schizophrenia was necessary. Kansnin then found that some patients showed signs schizophrenia combined with symptoms from other disorders. The concept of schizophrenia was also broadened by Hoch who believed that schizophrenia often disguises itself has other disorders. As a result a lot of people who would normally have been diagnosed with personality disorders or neurosis, where diagnosed has having schizophrenia. After the publication of DSM III the American definition moved away from the very broad definition of schizophrenia, to a more controlled approach that meant that less people are now wrongly diagnosed with schizophrenia. The symptoms of schizophrenia cause suffers problems in several major areas these include: thought, perception, attention, motor behaviour and emotion. Many patients, who are diagnosed with schizophrenia, only have some of the symptoms. Unlike mo... ...hanism may malfunction or not work. We can guess that stress can trigger schizophrenia because of the EE studies that look at patient relapse rate. Also if we believe that the symptoms are a reflection of the cause it is also not unreasonable to think stress can trigger schizophrenia. Stress is a persons perceived inability to cope with a situation. Therefore they are blaming themselves for their failure to perform. Many schizophrenics experience hallucinations commenting on their actions. This could be caused because they have a problem with their self-image or self esteem caused by stress. If you imagine yourself very stressed maybe at the scene of an accident, you need to do something about the accident, but your finding it difficult to remember what you should do. To avoid panic some people break down complex actions like first aid at the scene of an accident into simpler instructions. For instance at the scene of an accident you would take deep breath then look for danger, c heck the airways of the injured etc. When you are in a stressful situation you comment on yourself. Maybe schizophrenic hallucination is the same response caused involuntary by a brain malfunction.
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