Wednesday, December 25, 2019
Symbols Of The Civil War - 1761 Words
The Civil War continues to be a major talking point today -- a war that was fought over the extension of slavery. In 2017, a contentious conversation continues as the public debates the reasons of the Civil War, whether or not it was about slavery or states’ rights, and the ethics behind having massive monuments commemorating a time of our history that was so divisive. Symbols of the Confederacy, which includes the Confederate flag and monuments depicting leaders of the Confederacy, are seen to be racist and propaganda tools used by white supremacists. However, there are those who believe that these confederate symbols are misleading and leads to the false ideas that the South was patriotic and heroic during the Civil War. Through†¦show more content†¦The war was about the fight for independence for the South and nothing more, according to DeRosa. Like DeRosa, Sophia A. Nelson, author of E Pluribus ONE: Reclaiming Our Founders Vision for a United America, believes th at confederate monuments should be kept on display throughout the nation. As an African American woman with ancestors who were enslaved in the South, Nelson makes an argument that attempting to erase a part of history is deadly to our own being. While she deeply understands the reasons behind removing Confederate statues, she believes that the First Amendment would be under attack. As she states: Just as we cannot tell people not to buy Nazi paraphernalia or collect it in their homes (no matter how abhorrent we may find it), we likewise cannot tell people they are not allowed to honor family members who fought for the confederacy or that their forbears could not raise monuments to southern heroes like Robert E. Lee or Stonewall Jacksonâ€â€both of whom were decorated and beloved West Point graduates and union officers before the south seceded from the union in rebellion. (Nelson) Like others in Nelson’s camp, she points to the ideas of freedom of expression as a reason to maintain the presence of confederate monuments; being that the First Amendment is held dearly to the values of America, by taking down these monuments would be a directShow MoreRelatedConfederate Flag Is America s Swastika1512 Words  | 7 Pagesslavery and racial discrimination. The Confederate flag, a relic of the devastating Civil War, has become one of the most controversial and contentious icons in American history. The debate over the flying of the Confederate flag is in regard to the Southern Civil War ideals of slavery and white racial superiority that historians have agreed the flag represents. Supporters of the Confederate flag argue that as a symbol of Southern pride, honor, and character, the flag is a reminder of the South’s distinctiveRead MoreSymbolism In O Captain ! My Captain By Walt Whitman984 Words  | 4 PagesStates and the voyage to represent the jou rney he took to get the country out of war and into a state of peace. By Whitman using these symbols, it helps one better understand a darker concept that can be difficult to comprehend by making the situation a little lighter and more common to the time period it was written in. Abraham Lincoln, the sixteenth president of the United States, can be used as one of the many symbols in this poem, especially the captain. The captain had led his ship through roughRead MoreThe Confederate Flag : Controversy Or Logical Solution?1717 Words  | 7 Pagesyears. It and other symbols of the Confederacy are parts of many state flags in the South and it is even flown at several state buildings throughout the South. To some the Confederate flag is a historical symbol and is believed to be a way of remembering the Civil War that almost tore the nation in two, but to others it represents fear and hatred due to its use by racial hate groups such as the Ku Klux Klan and it symbolizes the slave-holding South that existed prior to the Civil War. Such a controversialRead MoreThe Battle Of The Confederate Flag954 Words  | 4 Pages The definition of rebel has changed in America from patriot in the time of the American Revolutionary war to confederate in the Civil War and to redneck in today’s societal controversy concerning the image of the Confederate flag. The first definition of rebel originates from the term of patriot from the Revolutionary War. The definition of rebel in the colonies during the Revolutionary War time was a person who was acting against the British who made the colonies pay taxes and obey laws thatRead MoreThe Battle Of The Confederate Flag1208 Words  | 5 Pagessupremacy in the South. 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It flies there, remembering and honoring the lives of men who sacrificed everything they stood for, and everything they had for something they believed in. They fought to protect their homeland, and to gain independence of the Union. The flag stands there, not as a symbol of hate, racial inequality, or blood-thirsty war, but as a symb ol reflecting the rich South and the men who gaveRead MoreWalt Whitman Research Paper1323 Words  | 6 PagesWalt Whitman and the Civil War Walt Whitman is considered one of America’s greatest poets. During his lifetime, Whitman wrote hundreds of poems about life, love and democracy, among many others. In particular, Whitman’s poetry reflects the spirit of the age in which he lived, the Civil War. In taking a closer look at one of his most renowned and brilliant pieces, â€Å"When Lilacs Last in the Dooryard Bloom’d†, three particular themes are observed; his love for nature, the cycle of life, as representedRead MoreEssay on The Confederate Battle Flag: Heritage or Hate1601 Words  | 7 PagesBattle Flag: Heritage or Hate The Confederate Battle flag is one of the most recognized symbols in the United States. It is not always a welcome symbol in today’s society. Take for instance the state of South Carolina having to remove it from its statehouse on April 12, 2000. The reason it is not always welcome is because people often misinterpret its true meaning. It is not a symbol of hatred but, a symbol of southern pride and honor. The pride and honor of all the men and women who carried it
Monday, December 16, 2019
Essay on The Benefits of Banning Public Cigarette Smoking
The Advantages of Banning Public Cigarette Smoking For a long time now many people have different views about smoking in public places. Smokers feel it is their right to smoke where and when they want. On the other hand non-smokers feel smokers violate their rights and endanger their life. Smoking causes heart disease, lung cancer and other serious illnesses. Cigarette smoking is the number one cause of lung cancer. A substantial number of lung cancers that occur in non-smokers can be attributed to involuntary smoking. There are some parts in the United States where you can smoke in public places, on the other hand in New York there are designated areas. While some people feel that smoking in public places should†¦show more content†¦A U.S enviromental protection agency stated second-hand smoke is the third major cause of lung cancer in the United States. The simple separation of smokers within the same air space may reduce, but does not eliminate exposure to passive smoke. In Arizona five thousand and six hundred Americans died in 1989 due to passive smoke. A recent federal Environmental protection agency reported on the dangers of second hand smoke. They found this kills fifty-three thousand non smokers a year. By putting a smoke free policy into effect, it will send a strong message about protecting health. Even though designated areas are set aside for smokers this does not really protect a non-smoker. The heating and air conditions does not filter out carcinogens well enough and the smoke drifts onto non-designated areas. Finally, if public smoking is kept legalized we will have major problems facing the environment. One problem is alot of people are irritated by tobacco smoke. A man named General C.Everett Knoop released a report saying that passive smoking, when a non-smokers breathe smoke in an enclosed area, it causes as many as five deaths a year. Smoking in a public place is an air pollutant and it can damage health in a number of ways. The four major health hazards fall into air, water, and noise pollution. Air pollution can lead to various forms of respiratory disease. The main problem of smoking in a publicShow MoreRelatedBanning The Issue Of Banning Cigarettes1317 Words  | 6 Pagesthat regard, what are considered public places in state laws in reference to smoking is very much debatable. It is our duty as individuals to exercise certain behaviors that will benefit others, regardless of life circumstances and serve our society in the most respectable manner, in accordance to people rights and choices. Since the nineties, there has been a massive controversy on the issue of banning cigarettes in the U.S. Some claim that banning public smoking is an infringement on their freedomRead MoreSmoking Essay1600 Words  | 7 PagesJerry Thomas Professor Michaud Comp amp; Lit 101 December 13, 2010 Ban Smoking The human body is made up of all different organs that are essential to our living being. Taking care of these organs is vital to maintaining our health. One of our most important organs is the lungs. The lungs are used to take in oxygen from the air and help us make blood cells in the body. Keeping the lungs healthy is necessary to keeping your breathing and blood healthy. There are many things that keepRead MoreShould Cigarette Smoking Be Banned?1137 Words  | 5 PagesBiology 101 Should Cigarette Smoking Be Banned? Should there be a ban on cigarette smoking in the United States? Since cigarettes were introduced to Americans, questions have been raised concerning the legality of smoking and if it should be allowed everyone, in public places, or not at all. Recently, with the increase knowledge in cost and healthcare, the controversy with cigarette smoking has significantly risen. Across the country, states have banned smoking in public areas and inside buildingsRead MoreShould Cigarette Smoking Be Banned?824 Words  | 3 Pages Introduction: Tobacco Humans have been using tobacco in one way or the other since ancient times. Use of doesn’t always imply smoking it, but it can be chewed or used in different forms such as Tobacco chewing, dipping tobacco, etc. History: There is no fix time for the start of the use of tobacco in humans but it has been in human use since very ancient times. Locals were using before the arrival of Europeans to Americas. Las Casas brilliantly describes in his journal what the scouts who firstRead MoreOutcome of Banning Smoking in Public Areas663 Words  | 3 Pagesand severe childhood asthma problems has dropped by after smoking was banned in public places. Researchers from the University of Maastricht and the University of Edinburgh studied 250,000 hospital visits and more than 2.5 million births for asthma attacks in children. It was discovered that â€Å"preterm births and hospital attendance for asthma has fallen by 10% â€Å" especially in areas where smoking is banned. Though banning smoking at in public places would possibly have a negative effect, because peopleRead MoreArgumentative Essay About Why Smoking Should Be Banned1047 Words  | 5 PagesBan Smoking in Public Places Smoking is one of the leading causes of preventable deaths in the United States, and doing it in public is even worse because smokers not only harm themselves, but also those around them. I remember how my great uncle would always smoke in his house regardless of his surroundings. When his daughter visited him for a vacation, she brought her three year old daughter with her. The baby was healthy before coming to her grandpas house, but in less than two weeks, sheRead MoreEssay on Why I Support Banning Smoking in Public Places567 Words  | 3 Pagesprefer that no one smoke cigarettes in any of their offices. Most governments have banned smoking in all public places. Based on personal experience, personality style and emotional concern, we find that some hold the notion that smoking in public places should be banned. Meanwhile, others want to be as free as possible and do as they please, as long as their actions do not violate the rights of others. From my point of view, it is mor e sensible to ban smoking in public places rather than allow second-handRead MoreEssay about Electronic Cigarette Legalization Analysis982 Words  | 4 PagesSince 2008, Electronic Cigarettes have become widely popular across the United States, despite the obvious health benefits the long term health effects of â€Å"smoking†electronic cigarettes are still unknown to researchers today. Electronic Cigarettes are the answer to a safer method of consuming nicotine despite its more popular tobacco products. Even though the effects of consuming large amounts of nicotine in a persons’ system is unknown, the unbanning of electronic cigarettes in Los Angeles decreaseRead MoreShould Smoking Be Banned?1326 Words  | 6 Pagesbreak. Even though people are well equipped with the knowledge of how unhealthy smoking can be and what can it causes to their hearts and lungs, they still choose to smoke. Nowadays smoking becomes a trend like a social media, and especially teenagers , are participating in this as well. Although smoking makes you a person feel relaxed from the stress, it harms the body of the smokers in the long run. We have known that smoking can kill us from past 50-60 years, and according to the World Health OrganizationRead MoreThe Debate Over Banning Smoking in Public Places Essay607 Words  | 3 PagesThe Debate Over Banning Smoking in Public Places In my opinion I think smoking should banned from public places. My reasons for this are; People who smoke should be considerate of that fact that not only are they damaging their own existing health but also they are harming the others around them who are only breathing in the tobacco smoke. During the past ten years of tests, experiments etc. on the effect of smoking both directly and passive, there is now enough
Sunday, December 8, 2019
Transcendental themes Essay Example For Students
Transcendental themes Essay The Dead Poets Society Is about a group of private school boys In the North East. They encounter a teacher, Mr.. Keating, whom is a little different than most teachers. He wanted to instill the motivation to look past what society was telling them to do rather than teach the normal curriculum. He used Thoreau ideas on transcendentalism by showing them to transcend or go beyond the rules that society poses and create their own independence. Mr.. Keating succeeded in his efforts by teaching them to think for themselves, Transcendental themes. Director Peter Weir illustrates that the movie Dead Poets Society echoes Transcendentalist notions in content in that self-reliance and individualism must outweigh external authority and blind conformity to custom or tradition, intuition is superior to deliberate intellectualism and rationality and in structure through the idea that one can find truth and beauty in nature. One of the mall Ideas of Transcendentalism Is that ones own opinions should prevail over deliberate conformity. Emerson wrote concerning that notion saying, Whoso would be a man, must be a nonconformist. Emerson tightly relates ones being with nonconformity, therefore illustrating that one who does conform to societys wishes is less of a man, or yet a real man at all, saying, Imitation is suicide. He declares conformity Is the same as throwing ones own ideas, Identity, and soul away, which Is the equivalent to ending ones life. Henry David Thoreau has beliefs similar to Emerson on the topic of conformity, stating, If a man does not keep pace with his companions, perhaps it is because he hears a different drummer. We will write a custom essay on Transcendental themes specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now Let him step to the music which he hears, however measured or far away. To hear a different drummer insinuates to believe or act differently from the common consensus. Thoreau asserts that it is all right to think or act in this different manner, as abstract from the common as It may be. Dead Poets society relates the Idea of self-reliance through Its content. Mr.. Keating desperately wants the boys to hear something different from what other adults are telling them by telling the students, Dont be lemmings, find your own walk! and, Dont conform; make it for yourself. Mr.. Keating wants them to defy the familiar values and follow their hearts instead. All of his lessons have the common thematic idea of non-conformity, which are the singular most Important aspects of his coaching. On the first day of class Mr.. Keating persuades the young men to stand on their desks. l stand upon my desk to remind you that we must constantly look at things in a different way. Standing on the desk symbolizes individualism, while everyone who merely sits in his or her desk is Just conforming to the typical expectation. The circumstance surrounding Neal Perrys suicide. After Mr.. Perry saw his marvelous performance in A Midsummers Night Dream, he brings his son home and roughly tells him, Were trying very hard to understand why it is that you insist on defying s. Whatever the reason, were not going to let you ruin your life. Tomorrow Im withdrawing you from Walton and enrolling you in Braded Military School. Youre going to Harvard and youre going to be a doctor. This is not Meals dream or wish; he wants to be an actor. After this encounter, Neal commits suicide. Neal displays that he wants more out of life than what his family was pressuring him to do, but the fight with conformity was too great for him. In Meals situation imitation is literally suicide. While Neal is the free spirit who chooses to look deeper than expected, Mr.. Perry, whom Neal was fighting, is the epitome of conformity. Mr.. Perry neatly places his slippers in the same spot every night. His action asserts the unnecessary structure of conformity. He does this because it is the proper and correct way and he does not care to challenge it. Transcendentalists not only believe that it is necessary to look into ones heart to find a personal calling, but they also believe that individual insight is superior to proven thought. .u9eca2461189c4cf6de5c93ea6f60e52d , .u9eca2461189c4cf6de5c93ea6f60e52d .postImageUrl , .u9eca2461189c4cf6de5c93ea6f60e52d .centered-text-area { min-height: 80px; position: relative; } .u9eca2461189c4cf6de5c93ea6f60e52d , .u9eca2461189c4cf6de5c93ea6f60e52d:hover , .u9eca2461189c4cf6de5c93ea6f60e52d:visited , .u9eca2461189c4cf6de5c93ea6f60e52d:active { border:0!important; } .u9eca2461189c4cf6de5c93ea6f60e52d .clearfix:after { content: ""; display: table; clear: both; } .u9eca2461189c4cf6de5c93ea6f60e52d { display: block; transition: background-color 250ms; webkit-transition: background-color 250ms; width: 100%; opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #95A5A6; } .u9eca2461189c4cf6de5c93ea6f60e52d:active , .u9eca2461189c4cf6de5c93ea6f60e52d:hover { opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #2C3E50; } .u9eca2461189c4cf6de5c93ea6f60e52d .centered-text-area { width: 100%; position: relative ; } .u9eca2461189c4cf6de5c93ea6f60e52d .ctaText { border-bottom: 0 solid #fff; color: #2980B9; font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; margin: 0; padding: 0; text-decoration: underline; } .u9eca2461189c4cf6de5c93ea6f60e52d .postTitle { color: #FFFFFF; font-size: 16px; font-weight: 600; margin: 0; padding: 0; width: 100%; } .u9eca2461189c4cf6de5c93ea6f60e52d .ctaButton { background-color: #7F8C8D!important; color: #2980B9; border: none; border-radius: 3px; box-shadow: none; font-size: 14px; font-weight: bold; line-height: 26px; moz-border-radius: 3px; text-align: center; text-decoration: none; text-shadow: none; width: 80px; min-height: 80px; background: url(; position: absolute; right: 0; top: 0; } .u9eca2461189c4cf6de5c93ea6f60e52d:hover .ctaButton { background-color: #34495E!important; } .u9eca2461189c4cf6de5c93ea6f60e52d .centered-text { display: table; height: 80px; padding-left : 18px; top: 0; } .u9eca2461189c4cf6de5c93ea6f60e52d .u9eca2461189c4cf6de5c93ea6f60e52d-content { display: table-cell; margin: 0; padding: 0; padding-right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-align: middle; width: 100%; } .u9eca2461189c4cf6de5c93ea6f60e52d:after { content: ""; display: block; clear: both; } READ: "Sonnet 18", "Shall I Compare Thee" EssayEmerson takes the ideology and puts it into striking poetry pronouncing, No law can be sacred to me but that of my nature. The students teacher, Mr.. Keating, believes that intuition is untouchable compared to intellectualism, and he tries to share his knowledge with his students. After Mr.. Keating asks Neal to read an essay by Mr.. J. Evans Pritchard that informs how to grade the greatness of poetry on an x, y axis, Mr.. Keating Jumps out of his chair and yells, Armies of academics going forward, measuring poetry. No, we will not have that here. No more of Mr.. J. Evans Pritchard. Now in my class you will learn to think for yourse lves again. You will learn to savor words and language. No matter what anybody tells you, words and ideas can change the world. Mr.. Keating completely disregards Pritchard idea and encourages the boys to not measure the poetry by a heartless graph, which is deliberate intellectualism, but to think for themselves. The ideas of elegance and knowledge of nature are apparent throughout the structure of the Dead Poets Society. Peaceful pictures of nature at its best were always revealed between various scenes of the movie. These tranquil shots of nature remind the viewer that nature is serene and wonderful, and it is there that true sides is found. The Dead Poets Society did not meet in a dorm room or lavish meeting hall, but in a dark, damp cave deep in the woods. The setting of their meetings emphasizes the topic of their conversation, transcendental poetry. The young men of the society are living out their beliefs by attempting to find inspiration there. During the dramatic minutes before Meals suicide the camera reveals very symbolic items. First, snow is pictured outside when Neal opens the window. Neal opens the window because he wants to be comforted by the white, glistening, snow- covered nature. Then, a close up of the crown of thorns that he wore in the slowly puts on his head confirms that he thinks that nature led him to the right answer in his dilemma. Throughout the movie the transcendental idea of beauty within nature is exuded through camera angles and the setting. Overall, Dead Poets Society exhibits three particular characteristics of the transcendental philosophy: the strong belief that the world should not conform to society, rational intellectualism is shoddier than instinct, and reality and loveliness are located in nature. Thoreau and Emerson would have loved this film!
Sunday, December 1, 2019
The Determinants Of Customer Satisfaction In Airline Industry Tourism Essay Essay Example
The Determinants Of Customer Satisfaction In Airline Industry Tourism Essay Essay Introduction Customer satisfaction has been established as a psychological construct that involves the feeling of client s wellbeing and pleasance which consequences from obtaining what he or she hopes for and expects from devouring an appealing merchandise and/or service ( Florian and Maren, 2007 ; Christian, 2005 ; Abraham and Taylor, 1999 ) . While different scholarly write-ups have confirmed assortment of attacks to the account of client satisfaction/dissatisfaction in selling, in a comprehensive work done by Abraham and Taylor ( 1999 ) , they developed nine distinguishable theories of client satisfaction: viz. anticipation disconfirmation ; assimilation or cognitive disagreement ; contrast ; assimilation-contrast ; equity ; ascription ; comparison-level ; generalized negativeness ; and value-precept ( Oh and Park, 1997 ) . Customer satisfaction and service quality have besides been confirmed to be critical issues in most service industries, and are even extremely of import for Airline servic e suppliers that offer by and large uniform merchandises. For illustration, in the air hose industry, the chief attack to distinction and the principal agencies by which one Airline can separate itself from another is service before and after gross revenues services ( Stafford et al, 1998 ) . We will write a custom essay sample on The Determinants Of Customer Satisfaction In Airline Industry Tourism Essay specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now We will write a custom essay sample on The Determinants Of Customer Satisfaction In Airline Industry Tourism Essay specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer We will write a custom essay sample on The Determinants Of Customer Satisfaction In Airline Industry Tourism Essay specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer Otherwise, companies will be by and large unable to distinguish their services based on market offerings because Airlines offer state-mandated standardised products/services. The recent accent on service quality and client satisfaction in the Airline industry illustrates the increased importance Airlines are puting on client quality and satisfaction ( Halil et al, 2008 ) . As such, service quality measuring and client satisfaction are progressively going of import for service houses to remain in the concern ( Parasuraman et al. 1988 ) . And these service quality measurings processes differs across different industrial spheres, because the service director will account for the alone nature of services, while different service properties in each organisations are moving as determiners of client satisfaction because of the complex interrelatedness and dependableness that exist between them ( Fochen and Robert, 2003 ) . Customer satisfaction, one of the cardinal selling aims, is closely linked to client trueness, the likeliness of recommendation to others, cross-buying behaviour ; up-grading and lower monetary value sensitiveness ( Anderson, 1994 ; Matzler, 2005 ; Reichheld and Sasser, 1990 ; Zeithaml, 2000 ) . Literatures like Kurt et Al ( 2006 ) , have explore the dimensionality of monetary value satisfaction as a agency to find client satisfaction. In their paper, they through empirical observation find that monetary value satisfaction is a complex concept consisting of several dimensions, i.e. price-quality ratio, monetary value equity, monetary value transparence, monetary value dependability and comparative monetary value. Their analyses of these dimensions are given as therefore ; monetary value transparence is defined as increasing entree to information, entree to more options, more simplified minutess, increasing communicating between clients and a general misgiving and bitterness among cli ents. They argued that as a effect, clients will progressively demand unfastened, honest and complete information on merchandises and monetary values. Therefore, monetary value transparence can be considered as an of import facet of pricing policy. They concluded that monetary value transparence exists when the client can easy acquire a clear, comprehensive, current and effortless overview about a company s quoted monetary values ( Matzler et al, 2006 ) . They besides explained that price-quality ratio is when the consumers ascribe value to a merchandise or service topic to their perceptual experience of two factors: perceived monetary value and sensed quality, or, in other words, the price-quality ratio. They defined client value as a cognition-based concept that captures any benefit-sacrifice disagreement. They said if perceived quality exceeds perceived costs, client value is high, if cost exceeds quality, client value is low. In their decision, they explained that the purchasers perceptual experiences of value represent a tradeoff between the qualities of benefits they perceive in the merchandise relation to the forfeit they p erceive by paying the monetary value. 1.1 Background of the survey The history of Saudi Airline could be traced to 1945 when the so US President Franklin Delano Roosevelt gave a Douglas DC-3 plane as a nominal gift to the so Saudi Arabia King Abdul Aziz Ibn Saud. This event really marked the Muslim Kingdom s gradual development in the civil air power industry. The Kingdom s chief bearer Saudi Arabian Airlines was founded in September 1946, which is to the full owned and controlled by Saudi authorities under the control of the Ministry of Defense. In add-on to the above development, the air hose took excess two bringing of Boeing 720s in 1962, giving it an chance to officially register its operations on 19 February 1963. This uninterrupted development has led into set uping the Kingdom s air hose as one of the taking in the industry, particularly Asia in peculiar ( ) . In fact, Saudi Airline has been confirmed as the part s second-largest air hose by turnover after the elephantine Emirates air hose ( ) . This is because Saudi air hose has continuously remained larger than the Qatar Airways in footings of its gross, and besides rated larger than the current fast turning air hose popularly called Etihad ( ) . But if measured by the Numberss of traffics in the part, the Saudi Arabian air hose will still be figure three behind the Qatar Airways and the Emirates ( ) . Part of the statements in favor of Saudi air hose is that it is strategically located at the hamlets between Africa, Asia, and Europe and besides functioning as the largest state within the Arabian Peninsula ( ) . But really of import concerns among its transit stakeholders is how to maximise this external chance in concurrence with its current population of about 28 million people that are still depending on few rail web and air travels, an issue that have been argued as a critical constituent to the economic development of Saudi Arabia ( ) . Following this tendency was why the Kingdom s authorities encouraged the thought of strategically leting the in private owned low cost air hose rivals to equal with the Saudi Arabian Airlines both in the domestic and international markets ( ) . This enterprise from the authorities was later reciprocated by the private investors foremost through the constitution of NAS air hose in February 2007, and Sama air hose in Marh, 2007 both ab initio concentrating on assorted trucks paths within the state ( ) . 1.2 Research job Due to inordinate subsidy of the conveyance system in Saudi Arabia, both the air and land conveyance sellers are strategically challenged on best attack to use in order to expeditiously get, service and retain profitable clients both within and outside the state ( ) . This issue of subsidised fuel monetary values does non except the Saudi Arabian air hose, but practicians have continuously argued in favor of the demand to take the menu cap so that sellers can handily vie without any fright of menu limitations ( ) . This and many more are the grounds that experts believe serves as the primary cause of Saudi Arabia air hose inability to strategically vie with other international air hoses like the Emirates and the Qatar Airlines ( ) . Sequel to the above practical issues in Saudi Arabia air hose, several writers have argued that service quality can be a strong differentiating factor for any Airline that wants to hike up their market portions and net income place ( Halil et al, 2008 ; Fochen and Robert, 2003 ; Dennis et Al, 1993 ) . Besides really recent among the scholarly write-up on Airline Customer Satisfaction is Ekiz et Al. ( 2006 ) , that developed an option to SERVQUAL and called it AIRQUAL. They emphasized that this graduated table is to get the better of the psychometrical application of bing jobs in Airline Service Quality scales, as ab initio guided by Churchill ( 1979 ) and Parasuraman et Al. ( 1985, 1988 ) . The findings of Ekiz et Al ( 2006 ) , through their AIRQUAL identified a graduated table of five distinguishable dimensions, i.e. ( air hose tangibles, terminal tangibles, forces, empathy, and image ) as a agency to successfully pull off and mensurate the quality perceptual experiences of air hose clients. Although, it is confirmed that they successfully developed the AIRQUAL graduated table, but groundss from other bookmans shows that their findings failed to place the impact of Airline monetary value, solution quality, and employee occupation satisfaction on client satisfaction, because these variables have been proven to be really important in finding client trueness ( Dean, 2007 ; Kau and Loh, 2006 ; Schiffman and Kanuk, 2004 ) . Sing Ekiz et Al ( 2006 ) and other writers restriction and given the importance of these dimensions to the Airline industry, this proposed survey wishes to develop on the findings of Ekiz et Al. s ( 2006 ) and other related literatures on Airline service quality and client satisfaction. And surveies like this will help in finding the true behavioural purposes of air hose clients in Saudi Arabia and the universe at big. This proposed research work has develop an extra variable ( Price ) with specific mention to literatures like Kurt et Al ( 2006 ) , which has explore the dimensionality of monetary value satisfaction as a agency to find client satisfaction. In their paper, they through empirical observation find that monetary value satisfaction is a complex concept consisting of several dimensions, i.e. price-quality ratio, monetary value equity, monetary value transparence, monetary value dependability and comparative monetary value. Besides service quality and employee satisfaction, another strong factor that has a direct bearing on a client s satisfaction with a service supplier is the quality of the solution that the service supplier provides for the client s concern job ( Whyte, Bytheway, and Edwards, 1997 ) . To accomplish the intended intent of this proposed survey, below is a proposed conceptual model for this research: Monetary value Customer Loyalty Loyalty Customer Satisfaction Satisfaction Service/Product Quality Quality Solution Quality Employee Satisfaction Satisfaction + + + + 1.3 Research Questions The undermentioned inquiries are based on the issues discussed in the research job by analysing the patterns of Airline industry in order to happen out the impact of Price, Product/Service Quality, and Solution Quality on Customer satisfaction. These research inquiries are meant to acquire a feedback from Airline clients that patronize Saudi Airline and a comparable industry leader such as Singapore Airline on what really constitute their Satisfaction and trueness. How does Price/Fare impact Customer satisfaction in Airline Industry? How does Product/Service Quality affect Customer satisfaction in Airline Industry? How does Employee Job Satisfaction impact Product/Service Quality in Airline Industry? How does Employee Job Satisfaction affect Solution Quality in Airline Industry? How does Solution Quality affect Customer satisfaction in Airline Industry? How does Customer satisfaction affect Customer Retention in Airline Industry? 1.4 Research Aims This primary aim of this survey is to set up the mutuality of Price perceptual experience, Service Quality, Employee Job Satisfaction and Solution Quality on client satisfaction and client trueness. To accomplish this, this survey plans to mensurate the impact of prosodies such as Price perceptual experience, Service Quality, Employee Job Satisfaction and Solution Quality on client s satisfaction and trueness in the Airline industry. Equally included in the survey aim is to prove the mediating impact of client satisfaction on client trueness, an issue the research worker believes will strong aid in better understanding the mechanism that are behind the relationships between the ancestors and result of client satisfactions within the air hose industry. The theoretical model is based on market orientation attack as a agency to researching and set uping the relationship between Efficient Airline undertakings as the independent variable and client s trueness as the dependant variable. To simplify this, the research worker has designed the following aims to capture the research job and supply replies to the research inquiries. To prove a theoretical account that can explicate the impact of Price, Service Quality, Employee Job Satisfaction and Service Quality on Customer Satisfaction and Customer Loyalty. Research nonsubjective 2: To find the mediating effects of Customer Satisfaction on Customer Retention/Loyalty. 1.5 Scope of the survey The focal point of this survey is to understand what facet of Airline operations determines Customer satisfaction. This research is limited to the Airline industry, where Saudi Arabia Airline and a prima Airline such as Singapore Airline will be selected for probe with a set of trying technique to research the determiners of client satisfaction and trueness. The focal point of this research is limited to the air hose industry, where selected clients from the air hose industry will be investigated with a set of trying technique to research their perceptual experiences of the air hose services within touristry industry as a strategic portion of touristry selling. The theoretical background of the research is base on market orientation attack and client satisfaction theories, while air hose Tourism will be study from the position of the clients. The research worker is be aftering to construction this research survey as a triangulated exploratory probe that will incorporate both qualitative and quantitative techniques, which will be chiefly based on an in-depth interview with directors and professionals from the Saudi Arabia air hose industry. 1.6 Significance of the research Airline Industry has been chosen as the topic of this survey because it will help in placing those variables that determine client satisfaction and trueness. To the Airline industry, this proposed research work will help in set uping industry criterion and help the faculty members in developing alternate theories and theoretical accounts that will ease the general operations of the Airline Industry ( Halil et al, 2008 ; Fochen and Robert, 2003 ; Dennis et Al, 1993 ) . Significance to the Academicians Very of import to the faculty members on this research is the item geographic expeditions of the linkages that are between air hose operational procedures, service quality and modern-day client satisfaction theories. Arguably, the bing literatures have implied that there exist a relationship between air hose operation procedures and client satisfaction ( ) , but till day of the month there is really small published empirical research in this country that is looking at the impact of monetary value, solution quality and employee satisfaction on client satisfaction and trueness. In add-on to this, bing theoretical spreads have indicated that there is demand for the faculty members to further explore, analyze, explain and spread out the links between client satisfaction theories and air hose operation processes. Given the aforesaid, this research will be chiefly lending to the faculty members through its conceptualisation and through empirical observation proving the impacts of air hose operational procedures like monetary value, service/product quality, employee occupation satisfaction and solution quality on client satisfaction and trueness within the air hose industry. Through the developments of a step that can find the impact of air hose operational procedures on client satisfaction and trueness will supply the empirical methods for the faculty members in better apprehension and able to foretell the existent relationship that is bing between service quality and client satisfaction theories within the air hose industry. Measuring the impact of monetary value will supply the cognition to find if addition or lessening in the monetary values of air hose services will take to better client satisfaction and improved client relationship public presentation or non. Significance to the Practitioners Airline direction and directors will profit by better understanding those factors that really influence the relationships that exist between their operation procedures and client satisfaction and purpose to buy back. In peculiar, air hose troughs will profit from their apprehension of how solution quality and monetary value can impact their relationship with the client, and how cardinal properties in air hose services can be developed and supported by operational procedures. Both the HR and Production directors will profit how employee satisfaction can be of important impact to their service quality and solution quality, specifically through their apprehension of the cardinal relationships that exist between air hose operational procedures and their client relationship public presentations. The enhanced cognition though this research would a long manner assist the air hose direction decision-making procedures when they are measuring their client relationship public presentations. In the concluding analysis, it is deserving adverting here that service quality can non be separated from the construct of client satisfaction. This is because the nature or features of the service has besides been found to act upon the comparative importance of the drivers of client satisfaction ( Zeithaml and Bitner, 2000 ) . 1.7 Proposed Methodology and informations aggregation procedure Though there are many methods of roll uping informations via study. In this proposed research work, primary informations for the intending statistical analysis will be collected through questionnaire design among the selected Airline clients in Saudi Arabia. The research worker is be aftering to follow a 2nd qualitative measuring to confirm research findings and aid in the interpretations of the research consequences with the aid of the Airline Experts/Managers. The Unit of Analysis is who or what that is being studied in a given research. Evidences from the societal scientific discipline research have established a unit of analysis as an organisation, an person, a societal interaction or a group of organization/individual. Associating the above into this research, the unit of analysis are the Airline clients that will be surveyed. 1.8 STRUCTURE OF THIS STUDY Chapter one introduces the research subject determiners of client satisfaction in air hose industry and argues on the grounds for utilizing monetary value, service quality and solution quality, besides included in it were statement of the research job, the research inquiries, the research aims, range and restrictions of the survey and significance of the research. Chapter two will specify the dimensions of service quality and offer the theoretical background of air hose selling through a series of literature reappraisals on touristry selling and client satisfaction. The theoretical background upon which the research worker plans to develop a theoretical model and hypothesis in signifier of sum-up will every bit be contained in chapter two. Chapter three will present the research methodological analysis to be employed in this research, by supplying a elaborate qualitative and quantitative attack to be applied on each instance survey ; and besides contain the processs for the choice of each instance, informations aggregation and treatment of informations quality that will help to find the cogency of the research. Chapter four will dwell of the descriptions and analyzes of the patterns of the air hose undertakings in Saudi air hose. The results of the findings on Saudi air hose will be presented for treatment in chapter five. While chapter six will analyse, discuss and do decisions sing the research inquiries and points to the theoretical part along with the managerial deductions contained in the research. Besides to be included in chapter six are the alternate recommendations as a way for future research.
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