Saturday, May 23, 2020
The psychodynamic theory has its own perspective, thus ranging us with numerous experimental findings and studies. According to Freud, the psychodynamic theory has developed from the psychosexual stages of an individual; in terms of normal development, at which, is a start at birth and throughout his adulthood. There are multiple factors structuring of human personality; and therefore, Freud had introduced us his theory in achieving it from the state of the unawareness. Ermann also focused on the same idea, indeed he presented his psychoanalytical research in an article titled, You touched my heart: Modes of memory and psychoanalytic technique. His concentration was upon the procedural state of the mind as well as referring back to the†¦show more content†¦The three different levels of consciousness that discussed in his study were the conscious, preconscious, and the unconscious state. Conscious is a thought that is currently in the awareness. Preconscious is a thought that is also from part of the memory process, which is currently not at awareness. Unconscious is a thought that cannot be voluntarily brought into the awareness. Freud explained that during the id stage, it is completely unconscious, thus only to be present at birth where it acts accordingly by the pleasure principle. A pleasure principle means of seeking an immediate pleasure, despite of understanding the formal reason, logic, safety, and morality to avoid the pain, and also in satisfying of a person needs. Hock (2009) pointed out that id stage consists of â€Å"basic human biological urges and instincts such as hunger, thirst, and sexual impulses†(p. 236). The next stage is known to be the ego, at which, it works in fulfilling the urges developed from id. It works partially with each of the three consciousness levels. It made us to think and act accordingly by the reality principle; nevertheless, it is informed of the real world and such consequences basing from our behavior. This stage has promoted us to do things and taking steps which are always in safe and reasonable in various conditions. The last stage of personality is known as the superego,
Tuesday, May 12, 2020
The Tenure System Should Be Abolished - 993 Words
The tenure is the employment contract created to protect teachers from being fired by the political or personal reasons. According to â€Å"Vergara V. California†case, this system has been created an issue that with the support of Student Matter, nine students file a lawsuit in California state courts about the inadequate teaching of teachers in schools. Furthermore, Students claim they can’t get a quality education. It’s clear that inefficient teachers can’t give a good education, however teachers aren’t the only reason that affects students. There are many aspects that may influence student in a negative way, such as student environment, family, and school resources. If people look at those aspects, they will notice that with poorly performance teachers, people start to take aggressive actions toward the tenure system are unfair to the union or CTA. Society should consider the pros and cons to make the decision about the tenure system should be e liminated or not. The pros of the tenure system are, it prevents teachers from being fired due to unfair reasons. Furthermore, it helps teachers perform better in school as a result freed from the stress of being fired. On the other hand, tenure makes it difficult to remove inadequate teachers because of the long paper work, along with it is the costly fees to remove deficient teachers. After considering it, the pros of the tenure are the reasons for the tenure system should not be eliminated because it proves tenure is benefit toShow MoreRelatedThe Tenure System Should Be Abolished952 Words  | 4 PagesThe tenure is a contractual right to protect teachers from being terminated for political or personal reasons. According to the â€Å"Vergara V. California†case, nine students file a lawsuit in California state courts about the teachers has an insufficient teaching method in schools. Student claim that they can’t get a quality education because this system has crea ted an issue. However, teachers are not the only reason that affects students. There are many aspects that may influence students in a negativeRead MorePublic School Systems Should Not Allow Teachers910 Words  | 4 PagesPublic school systems should not allow teachers to have tenure. The documentary â€Å"The Lottery†tells a story about young children trying to get into a charter school for a better education and better teaching styles. Not to mention if certain kids don’t get in, they could always try again later. In addition to the documentary, it explains in one scene that in the school system, they had to let go about ten or more teachers. â€Å"The Lottery†documentary wanted to tell how well students can achieve withRead MoreThe Importance of Teacher Tenure in Public Schools Essay example632 Words  | 3 Pagesexactly is teacher tenure?. Well, in short teacher tenure is a permanent job contract for school teachers. Teachers can earn tenure by pro ving their teaching skills over a specific number of years while working at the same school. In most cases the number of years a teacher must work at the same school is anywhere from two to seven years. After receiving tenure a teacher cannot lose his or her job without just cause, for example obvious incompetence or severe misconduct. Tenure offers job securityRead More Tenure in America Essay1327 Words  | 6 PagesAlthough there are many varying opinions on what revisions should be made to the tenure system in America, I believe that even though there are many complaints, Tenure needs to be maintained in order to promote academic freedom and educational security. Tenure is defined by Mathew Finkin as â€Å"At the expiration of a period of probation, commonly not to exceed six years of full-time service, a faculty member is either to be accorded â€Å"tenure†or to be given a terminal appointment for the ensuing academicRead MoreWe Need a Huge Turn Around in the US E ducational System Essay1351 Words  | 6 Pagesteachers is fired for performance-related reasons. Why? Tenure.†Tenure for elementary school teachers is a union contract that offers academic freedom and job security. It does not necessarily guarantee lifetime employment but it does make the firing process extremely timely and equally as costly. It assures that if a teacher must be fired the he or she is guaranteed due process and will be fired for just cause. The original need for tenure during the late 19th century was to protect elementary schoolRead MorePolitical Movements Like The No Child Left Behind1887 Words  | 8 Pagespolitical fight, that of educational reform. When considering educational reform, teacher tenure reform becomes the hot topic under scrutiny. According to Greenwald (2010), â€Å"†¦teacher tenure represents all that is wrong with the system – protecting ineffective and unprofessional teachers†(p.20). However, statements like this take a one size fits all approach, which is generally a path of ignorance. Teacher tenure was created from a fight for First Amendment protections and freed teachers from harshRead MoreTeacher Tenure Essay1693 Words  | 7 PagesJames 6 August 2012 Teacher Tenure Today, there seems to be a push to change the policy of teacher tenure. â€Å"Roughly 2.3 million public school teachers in the United States have tenureâ€â€a perk reserved for the noblest of professions (professors and judges also enjoy such rights).†(Stephey) Tenure refers to a policy which gives teachers a permanent contract that effectively ensuring them a guarantee of employment for life. Stephey continues to state, â€Å"Though tenure doesn’t guarantee lifetime employmentRead MoreThe Good Teacher And The Successful Teachers2316 Words  | 10 Pagesteachers are treated as equals under tenure. Tenure is given to a teacher after a certain number of years and ultimately protects them from being fired. â€Å"The very first state to adopt tenure was New Jersey in 1909 and by the mid 1900s 80 percent of k-12 teachers had tenure already. At the time tenure began as a way to protect teachers from wrongful termination due to pregnancy, political view, race or reli gion, and so on.†(â€Å"Making The Grade†). Essentially tenure is a continual job contract for teachersRead More Being The One Who Cares: A Good Teacher Essay2589 Words  | 11 Pagesunprotected sex. I feel as teachers earn tenure, they are more likely to effect the students in a more personably manner. Having a stable and open classroom, I feel the students will learn more and be a respected citizen in our society. In this project I will discuss, prayer in the classroom, AIDS and tenure. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;Prayer in school is a controversial issue that must be considered and dealt with as quickly as possible. All people should feel free to worship and have loyaltiesRead MoreThe Modern University System Essay1307 Words  | 6 PagesThe modern university system as a whole is an exploitative, capitalist construction. Those within it, whether they be undergraduate or graduate students, tenured or nontenured professors, researchers, etc. To exist within the university system and survive, one is essentially placed in a system that very closely resembles the free market economy of the United States. Academia exists to make one successful in whatever career path one chooses, including careers in the academic world. Specific to academic
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Abstracts Xue Chen Simulink Book Wiley Free Essays
Starting from introducing various MUTUAL windows and on-line help facilities, the fundamentals of MAT LAB programming including data types, statements and matrix representation are explained first allowed by matrix manipulations, such as algebraic computation, logical and relationship expressions and data conversion. Then, flow charts in MAT LAB programming is illustrated, including loop structures, conditional structures, switches and trial structures. MUTUAL function programming and pseudo code processing are covered together with two-dimensional and three- dimensional graphics and visualization techniques. We will write a custom essay sample on Abstracts Xue Chen Simulink Book Wiley or any similar topic only for you Order Now MATT_ABA graphical user interface (GIG) technique sues are explained so that the readers will gain new GUI programming skills to design user-friendly interfaces. Finally, programming kills for delivering high speed, high efficiency codes are introduced with special emphasis on commonly used tips, vectored programming methodology and MIX programming fundamentals for mixed-language programming. Exercises and chapter references cited are included. Programming, data types, program flow control, functions, matrix operations, GIG, code efficiency, vectored programming techniques, MIX (mixed-language) programming. Chapter-03 MUTUAL Applications in Scientific Computations This chapter covers both numerical computation and analytical problem solutions with MAT LAB. Topical parts included in this long chapter are linear algebra, calculus, ordinary differential equation, optimization, and data and signal processing. First, a general discussion about analytical solutions and numerical solutions to mathematical problems is presented with a dedicated argument why using numerical methods. We then start by first explain and illustrate how to solve various linear algebra problems, including the input of special matrices, matrix analysis, similarity transformation, decomposition, generally problems, algebraic equation solutions and matrix function evaluations. It is demonstrate that the use of MAT LAB in the solution of linear algebra problems is very straightforward and reliable. How to solve calculus related problems in MAT LAB is presented next which includes numerical solutions to difference, differentiation, integration and multiple integral problems, as well as analytical (symbolic) ways in solving certain classes of calculus problems. Then, it comes to the fundamentals of dynamical system simulation techniques that are mainly based on numerical solutions to ordinary differential equations in MAT LAB via numerous examples to illustrate how to solve stiff differential equations, implicit differential equations, stochastic differential equations and differential algebraic equations. Integral transform methods and analytical solutions of differential equations are also dealt with. In particular, the numerical inverse Lovelace transform technique is introduced for solving some complicated differential equations. In the numerical solution methods in optimization problems, a universal nonlinear equation solver is presented, for finding with ease the possible multiple solutions to nonlinear equations, together with other approaches. Unconstrained optimization problems are explored, followed by inner programming problems and quadratic programming problems as well as ordinary nonlinear programming problems. Dynamic programming techniques and their use in path planning problem applications are discussed as well in a separate section. Finally, this chapter ends with a section introducing data and signal processing methods, including one- and two dimensional interpolation problems and least squares curve fitting problems, data sorting, pseudo random number generating, fast Fourier series transformation and spectrum analysis. Exercises and chapter references cited are included. Key. Fords: linear algebra, numerical and symbolic calculus, ordinary differential equation, numerical inverse Lovelace transform, optimization, dynamic programming, curve fitting, data interpolation, random numbers, signal processing Chapter-04 Mathematical Modeling and Simulation with Simulating This chapter opens with a historical recall of the evolution of Simulating and a simple explanation of the basic idea of Simulating. This chapter is prepared for those who have little to zero experience with Simulating. First, a brief introduction to various block libraries of Simulating is given, and some of the commonly used blocks are described. Basic manipulations of Simulating blocks such as rotating, connecting and block parameter modification, together with how to build Simulating models, are then introduced and illustrated at the mouse click level. TO grow the Simulating modeling skills, some essential tools are introduced, including the use of the model browser, model printing and simulation parameter settings. To put Simulating in actual use, modeling and simulation techniques are demonstrated with some detailed illustrative examples. Equipped with the necessary fundamental knowledge and prepared for more advanced modeling and simulation tasks, the readers are dead to learn linear system modeling and representation methods where L IT Viewer based linear system frequency domain analysis and numerical simulation methods are presented. Finally, simulation methods for continuous systems driven by stochastic inputs are discussed. Statistical analyses of simulation results are given such as probability density function, correlation and power spectral density of the signals in the systems with illustrative examples. Exercises and chapter references cited are included. Simulating modeling, Simulating library, Block-diagram manipulation, Linear time invariant (LIT), Frequency domain analysis, Time domain analysis, Stochastic signal Statistical analysis Correlation analysis Power spectrum analysis Chapter-SO Commonly Used Blocks and Intermediate-level Modeling Skills This chapter will take a closer examination of some commonly used Simulating blocks and their uses in Simulating modeling so in the end of this chapter, readers will be at the intermediate-level in Simulating modeling techniques. First covered is a simple example used to further demonstrate the model representation and modeling skills such as including vectored block modeling and model decoration techniques. Important problems such as the concept of algebraic loops and their elimination, and also the zero-crossing detection method are discussed. Then, Simulating modeling of linear multivariate systems is illustrated, where the L TTL block in the Control System Toolbox is recommended for simplifying the modeling process. Commonly used blocks important in Simulating modeling applications such as the lookup table and various switches are explored. General methods in constructing piecewise linear nonlinearities are introduced for both cases: memory’s nonlinearities and nonlinearities with memories. Simulating modeling techniques for various kinds of differential equations are demonstrated in a dedicated section. These include ordinary differential equations, differential algebraic equations, delay differential equations, switching differential equations and even fractional-order (Nan-integer-order) differential equations. Simulation result visualization is essential in any simulation task so various visualization output blocks in Simulating are presented, such as scope output, workspace variable output and gauges output. More advanced Simulating output visualization methods are presented, including three- emotional animation methods with virtual reality techniques. Fundamental world modeling with VRRP is briefly introduced as well, and the VRRP models driven by MUTUAL and Simulating output are discussed. Finally, subsystem modeling is introduced using subsystem masking techniques. An illustrative example of Simulating modeling of a complicated system is presented in detail. Exercises and chapter references cited are included. Algebraic loop, L TTL blocks, Nonlinear blocks, differential algebraic equations, delay differential equations, switching differential equations, fractional-order differential equations, VRRP, World modeling, subsystem masking Chapter-06 Advanced Techniques in Simulating Modeling and Applications Simulating offers powerful direct graphical based programming-free methods to get system simulation tasks completed. In practice, since graphical methods have some limitations, it may be necessary to use command-line based modeling and design methods together with graphical methods. In this chapter, advanced techniques of command-line modeling and application are presented by first introducing how to use MAT LAB commands to create Simulating models. By command-line drawing techniques, complicated Simulating oodles can be created. Then, issues to note during the execution of Simulating models is introduced are discussed. Elimination techniques of nonlinear systems are also addressed. In particular, the Pad ‘ e approximation to pure time delays is further discussed. It can be seen that not all the models can be constructed with Simulating graphical methods alone. Some of the complicated models can only be created and analyzed using MUTUAL commands. Thus, using a dedicated section, advanced techniques are presented for creating complicated models. S-function programming techniques will be presented ND illustrated and their use in simulation of automatic disturbance rejection control (DARK) systems will be demonstrated as a case study. Finally, command-line based optimal controller design technique with Simulating models is introduced, and optimal controller design methods for nonlinear plants are also presented as an advanced Simulating modeling application example. Exercises and chapter references cited are included. Elimination, Delay approximation, S-function programming, Masking S-function block, Automatic disturbance rejection control, Optimal controller design, Global optimization, Chapter-07 Modeling and Simulation Of Engineering Systems Simulating models can always be constructed since low-level Simulating blocks can be used to model any dynamical system with arbitrary complexity. However, for complex engineering (and non-engineering) system simulation tasks, this chapter explains, promotes and demonstrates the multi-domain physical modeling strategy advocated and implemented in Simulating. Many well-established and specialized blockades in various disciplines have been developed for use with Simulating. Some of the blockades have been developed and integrated in the Simple framework. This chapter dedicated the first section in introducing the concept of multi-domain physical modeling and an introduction to the Simple bollocks. Then, in detail, electrical system modeling with Comportment’s and other blockades is addressed. The rest of the chapter covers the modeling and simulation of electronic systems, motor drive systems and mechanical systems with a lot of examples. Multi-domain physical modeling Simple, electrical system modeling, electronic systems, Spice circuit model, motor drive systems, mechanical systems, mechanical CAD model Chapter- 08 Modeling and Simulation of Non-Engineering Systems This chapter serves as a showcase to demonstrate that MUTUAL/Simulating can also be used directly in modeling and simulation of many non-engineering systems. There are also a lot of third-party programs and blockades developed by scholars worldwide. This chapter is only a small showcase chapter. First, modeling and simulation of pharmaceutics systems are presented. Compartment modeling is briefly introduced, and physiology based pharmaceutics modeling methods and nonlinear generalized predictive control of anesthetic processes are shown. Then, a dedicated section is included for MUTUAL/Simulating based image and video processing. Image Processing Toolbox and Computer Vision System Toolbox bollocks are also presented, and real-time video processing systems are explored. In many non-engineering systems, the finite state machine concept is important. How to use Stateless to model and simulate complicated supervision problems is presented. Stateless also generalizes the capabilities of logical or switched systems modeling, and we show that this can be used to describe systems with loops of conditional processes. Finally, this chapter ends with a section on modeling and simulation of discrete event systems and a queuing system s used as an example to demonstrate the use of the Sentiments bollocks. pharmaceutics systems Compartment modeling predictive control image and video processing finite state machine concept Stateless switched systems Sentiments bollocks discrete event systems queuing system Chapter-09 Hardware-in-the-loop Simulation and Real-time Control Simulation is mostly numerical. However, simulation could be analog. Yet, in this chapter, we will show that the simulation can be partly numerical and partly analog. Including the dynamic plant in the loop of simulation, is referred to as a hardware-in-the-loop simulation. Since this kind of simulation s often performed in real-time, it is sometimes referred to as real-time simulation. This has been made very simple in MUTUAL/Simulating due to the Real-Timekeeper’s provided by Metaphors that can translate the Simulating models into C code, and the standalone executable files can also be generated using this tool, so that real-time control can be performed. How to cite Abstracts Xue Chen Simulink Book Wiley, Papers
Saturday, May 2, 2020
Sonnet 130 free essay sample
Sonnet 130 is about imperfection vs. perfection, personal preference on beauty, love and stereotyping. These ideas are developed throughout the poems quatrains and couplet through techniques. The technique that stood out for me and represented all of the ideas Sonnet 130 is about is imagery, whether it be negative or positive, Shakespeare uses the technique well in conjunction with other techniques to make his point stronger. These ideas are introduced in the first quatrain â€Å"My mistress’ eyes are nothing like the sun,†this simile sets up the seemingly negative comparison extended through the text. And also involves positive imagery. Shakespeare compares his mistress eyes that are nothing like the natural image of the sun. This idea of natural imagery is used throughout the poem as it was seen as conventional beauty in the Elizabethan times. The ideas in the simile are developed further through the metaphor in line two where more positive imagery is used comparing Shakespeare’s mistress with a stereotypical perfect woman. We will write a custom essay sample on Sonnet 130 or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page This Stereotypical comparison is carried on through the metaphors in lines 3 and 4. Where negative imagery about his mistress is introduced. †¦black wires grow on her head†We really get the impression that Shakespeare is not in love with his mistress and that he is longing for the perfect looking woman. Quatrain 2 begins with a personal pronoun, which brings in a more personal approach. Quatrain 2 is filled with negative imagery, the one that stands out for me as the most seemingly hurtful towards his mistress still being compared to ‘perfection’ is â€Å"†¦the breath that from my mistress reeks†This line especially gives you the impression that Shakespeare does not love his mistress. The Volta at the start of quatrain 3, line 9, turns the poem around to begin Shakespeare’s true feelings towards his mistress. â€Å"I love to hear her speak†This changes the way we think Shakespeare see’s his mistress and begins to express the true meaning of all the negative imagery in the first 2 quatrains. Lines 11 and 12 give’s us a contrast between a goddess and a ‘real’ woman. I think Shakespeare is trying to portray the fact that a goddess, or perfect woman is unobtainable. This is confirmed in line 13, which is the start of the concluding rhyming couplet. And yet by heaven I think my love as rare, †this quote shows that no matter what, Shakespeare loves his mistress even if she is not perfect she does not need to be in his eyes. The rhyming couplet concludes with Shakespeare’s true feelings about his mistress and leaves us feeling more understanding about what Shakespeare was trying to portray. Which was that love is fou nd not in stereotypical perfection, but deep love for someone inside, which I think resonates to todays stereotype on what we think is ‘perfection’ of a woman.
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